HRSA Allows Immediate 340B Enrollment in Mississippi Due to Tornadoes

Tornado damage
Health care providers in Mississippi can enroll in 340B immediately under program flexibilities granted in response to March 24 tornadoes that killed 21.

Health care providers in Mississippi eligible to participate in the 340B program may do so immediately, rather than having to wait for the next normal quarterly registration period July 1-15, federal health officials said yesterday.

Strong tornadoes struck the state

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News Alert

HHS Secretary: 340B “Doesn’t Have the Transparency We Need”

United States Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra speaks at Health Subcommittee hearing
The 340B program “doesn’t have the transparency we need,” HHS Secretary Becerra said during a House Energy & Commerce subcommittee hearing today.

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said today that the 340B program “doesn’t have the transparency we need” and “we are going to do what we can to make it more transparent.”

Becerra was asked about the drug

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News Alert

U.S. House Panel Debates 340B in Context of Health Care Transparency and Consolidation

Congresswoman Doris Matsui
“There’s been a lot of criticism of the 340B program lately and I’m concerned about the conversation on 340B happening today,” Rep. Doris Matsui (D-Calif.) said during a House Energy & Commerce health subcommittee hearing today.

The 340B program was discussed at length today during a U.S. House subcommittee hearing on price transparency and consolidation in health care, with three Republicans questioning whether hospitals are abusing the program and two Democrats and a Republican cautioning against

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RWC-340B Opposes and Hemophilia Alliance Questions PhRMA and NACHC’s Push to Remake 340B

RWC-340B Hemophilia Alliance wordmarks
RWC-340B rejected and Hemophilia Alliance criticized PhRMA and NACHC's joint plan to restructure the 340B program.

Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access has announced it opposes the drug industry’s joint plan with community health centers to restructure the 340B program, saying it will increase manufacturers’ “already astronomical profits at the expense of safety net providers.”


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340B Expected to Be Addressed During U.S. House Hearing Today

E&C committee room
The 340B program is expected to come up today during a U.S. House Energy & Commerce health subcommittee hearing.

Lawmakers and heath care policy experts are expected to discuss the 340B program this afternoon during a U.S. House Energy & Commerce health subcommittee hearing.

The hearing on lowering health care costs through more price transparency and competition starts

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HRSA Posts Two Drug Manufacturer Notices to 340B Entities

Vtama pharmaceutical product tube
Dermavant Sciences is giving refunds to health care providers that paid above the 340B ceiling price for Vtama, a treatment for plaque psoriasis.

Biopharmaceutical company Dermavant Sciences is giving refunds to health care providers that paid above the 340B ceiling price for Vtama, a non-steroidal cream to treat plaque psoriasis.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration posted Dermavant’s notice to 340B covered

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Confidential Document Fleshes Out ASAP 340B’s Reform Objectives

Excerpt from a confidential PhRMA principles document
PhRMA has written an eight-page document that elaborates on its principles for 340B program reform.

A confidential document composed by Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America in connection with its 340B program reform initiative with the National Association of Community Health Centers fleshes out a “coalition” vision of the 10-point reform plan that the two

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PhRMA Discusses Joint 340B Reform Deal with Health Centers in Interview; Hospital Groups Denounce Plan

Nicole Longo headshot
“There is no way for 340B to be fixed without everybody coming to the table,” PhRMA spokesperson Nicole Longo said in an interview with 340B Report.

The fallout continues from drug makers and health centers’ decision to work together to change the 340B program, with the drug industry giving its first interview about the deal to 340B Report on Friday and several hospital groups jointly blasting

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340B Registration for Second Quarter of 2023 Begins April 1, with COVID Public Health Emergency Set to Expire in May

Q2 340B registration
Q2 2023 registration for the 340B program starts April 1 and is expected to end April 17.

The second quarterly period this year for 340B registration of new covered entities, outpatient facilities, and contract pharmacies will begin Saturday, April 1, and is expected to end on Monday, April 17.

Normally, a quarterly 340B registration period runs from

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U.S. House Subcommittee Could Discuss 340B on Two Consecutive Days This Month

House Committee on E&C wall plaque
The House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee will review a draft drug shortages bill with 340B program implications.

U.S. House Republicans yesterday asked Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra to testify March 29 about the Biden administration’s health care budget request.

Becerra will appear before the Energy & Commerce health subcommittee the day after it

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