340B Report Publisher and CEO Slafsky: Expect More Attention to 340B in New Congress

U.S. Capitol building East elevation
Be prepared for a lot more attention on the 340B program in the upcoming Congress, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky predicts.

Be prepared for a lot more attention on the 340B program in the upcoming Congress, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky says in his latest column for medication management solutions company Omnicell.

340B was a hot topic in Congress

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Novo Nordisk Announces Third Round of 340B Refunds This Year

Novo Nordisk wordmark on building facade
Novo Nordisk for the third time this year has announced refunds for 340B overcharges due to revisions of Medicaid pricing data.

Drug manufacturer Novo Nordisk for the third time this year has announced refunds for 340B overcharges due to revisions of Medicaid pricing data.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration posted the company’s notice to covered entities on its website

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Provider of HIV/AIDS Care Refiles Suit Against 340B Prime Vendor

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) last week refiled its lawsuit against federally contracted 340B prime vendor Apexus

California-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) last week refiled its lawsuit against Delaware-based federally contracted 340B prime vendor Apexus, setting forth facts that AHF argued gives a federal district court in California jurisdiction over the case.

AHF, based in Los Angeles,

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Senior U.S. House Democrat and Republican Say They’re Hopeful Congress Will Act on 340B; Hearings Expected in New Congress

Rep. Robin Kelly (D-IL) and Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY) headshots
U.S. Reps. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.) and Brett Guthrie (R-Ky.) each said during an event yesterday they were hopeful Congress would act on 340B—Kelly regarding covered entities' concerns and Guthrie regarding those of payers and manufacturers.

The Democratic vice chair of the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee said during a media event yesterday she hopes Congress will address healthcare providers’ concerns about the 340B program during its lame duck session scheduled to end Dec. 15.

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RWC-340B Assessing Dispute Resolution Proposed Rule’s Impact on Its Lawsuit and Current Dispute Resolution Petition

Ryan White Clinics-340B wordmark
RWC-340B is assessing how HRSA's proposed new 340B dispute resolution process would affect the group's ongoing dispute with AstraZeneca and ongoing lawsuit against HRSA and HHS.

Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access told a federal district judge last week it needs time to assess how proposed new 340B administrative dispute resolution regulations, if finalized, could affect the 340B overcharging claims it brought against AstraZeneca under the

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Mike Braun, Key U.S. Senator on 340B Matters, Won’t See Re-Election in 2024

Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) headshot
U.S. Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), a key voice on 340B matters, is running for governor of Indiana in 2024 instead of seeking re-election to Congress.

U.S. Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), whom 340B covered entities have considered both a friend and foe, has decided to run for governor of Indiana in 2024 rather than seek reelection to the Senate.

A senator since 2019, Braun serves on

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340B Dispute Resolution Proposed Rule Would Eject CMS Staff and HHS Lawyers from Process and Put OPA in Charge

graphic image of people in business attire with one announced as the winner
The Biden administration wants major changes to the 340B program administrative dispute resolution process, including giving OPA the only votes on ADR panels.

As we were the first to report on Tuesday morning, the Biden administration has proposed major changes to the 340B program administrative dispute resolution process, including stripping the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Department of Health and

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Provider Groups Cite Inaction on 340B Pricing Denials in Their Reactions to Dispute Resolution Proposal

Screenshot of HRSA ADR notice
HRSA posted a notice about its proposed rule to revamp the 340B administrative dispute resolution process on the Office of Pharmacy Affairs homepage.

Groups that represent 340B covered entities said they looked forward to studying the federal government’s proposal Tuesday to revamp the 340B administrative dispute process. But they expressed concern that drug manufacturers still are not being punished for denying 340B pricing

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AIDS Healthcare Foundation Criticizes Idea of Creating a 340C Program for Non-Hospital Providers

graphic Image of 340B turned into 340C
AIDS Healthcare Foundation says taking non-hospital healthcare providers out of 340B and placing them in their own new 340C program is the wrong response to drug industry attacks on the existing program.

Separating the 340B drug discount program into one for hospitals and another for non-hospital healthcare providers would be the wrong response to drug company denials of 340B pricing when providers use contract pharmacies, AIDS Healthcare Foundation said yesterday.

“A new

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Local Community Group Continues Late Congressman’s Push for 340B Hospital Oversight

Rep. A. Donald McEachin (D-VA) headshot
U.S. Rep. A. Donald McEachin (D-Va.), who began an inquiry into alleged 340B program misuse involving a hospital in his district, died from complications of colorectal cancer Monday.

A Richmond, Va., citizen’s group is continuing the fight against a health system accused of 340B program misuse at a hospital in a low-income, majority Black neighborhood in the wake of the death of U.S. Rep. A. Donald McEachin (D-Va.),

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