HHS Enlists Health Centers in Six-Week COVID Vaccine Drive, GOP Leaders Question Funding and Priorities

Elderly patient receives a Covid vaccination
HHS is giving health centers $350 million in unused COVID-19 provider relief funds to increase vaccinations in underserved communities.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said last week it would apply $350 million in unused monies from the COVID-19 Provider Relief Fund to launch a new initiative aimed at increasing COVID-19 vaccinations in underserved communities. 


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BREAKING: HRSA Proposes Streamlined, Less Trial-like 340B Dispute Resolution Process

Screenshot of HRSA, HHS 340B ADR document
HRSA this morning released its proposed replacement for its December 2020 340B administrative dispute resolution final rule.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration this morning proposed a replacement for its two-year-old 340B administrative dispute resolution process. Comments are due Jan. 30.

“HRSA has encountered policy and operational challenges with implementation of the

2020 final rule,” the

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CSL Behring Confirms that First Gene Therapy for Hemophilia B Will Be Available at a 340B Price

CSL Behring wordmark on building
The FDA has approved CSL Behring's first-ever gene therapy to treat adults with hemophilia B.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week approved the first gene therapy to treat adults with hemophilia B, a genetic bleeding disorder resulting from missing or insufficient levels of a protein needed to make blood clot. About 15%

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340B Prime Vendor Sued for Allegedly Not Negotiating Sub-Ceiling Pricing on HIV/AIDS Drugs

Screenshot of complaint AHF v. Apexus
AIDS Healthcare Foundation says in a lawsuit that Apexus, the 340B prime vendor, fails and refuses to negotiate sub-ceiling 340B discounts on HIV/AIDS medicines.

AIDS Healthcare Foundation sued Apexus, the federally contracted 340B prime vendor, on Friday for allegedly failing and refusing to negotiate sub-ceiling 340B discounts on HIV/AIDS prescription drugs pursuant to its agreement with the government.

An Apexus spokesperson yesterday said it

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CMS Defends Delayed Fix for Illegal Medicare Drug Payment Cuts for 340B Hospitals

pill bottle and Medicare health insurance card
CMS defends its decision to wait until next year to decide how to remedy illegal past cuts in 340B hospitals Part B drug reimbursement.

Federal health officials last week defended their plan to wait until next year to say how they will reimburse 340B hospitals for illegal Medicare Part B drug payment cuts in place for the past five years after hospital groups told

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HRSA Sanctions Manufacturer for Not Issuing Refund for 340B Overcharges

KVK Tech office building
HRSA has ordered Pennsylvania-based generic drug manufacturer KVK Tech to repay 340B covered entities for program violations found during an audit.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration has ordered Pennsylvania-based generic drug manufacturer KVK Tech to repay 340B covered entities for program violations found during an audit.

HRSA posted its audit findings Nov. 15. “KVK-Tech failed to refund covered entities for

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White House Gives HRSA Green Light to Publish Proposed New 340B Dispute Resolution Regulations

Screenshot of reginfo.gov 340B program ADR record
The White House yesterday authorized HRSA to publish a proposed rule to replace the 340B administrative dispute resolution final rule HRSA promulgated in late December 2020.

The White House yesterday unexpectedly gave the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration permission to publish a proposed replacement for HRSA’s December 2020 340B administrative dispute resolution final rule.

The Office of Management and Budget announced on its website Nov.

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A Closer Look at Tuesday’s Arguments in Federal Appeals Court Over the Legality of the 340B Contract Pharmacy Program

Third Circuit Court building entrance
Today 340B Report takes a closer look at Tuesday's oral arguments in federal circuit court in Philadelphia in three 340B contract pharmacy lawsuits.

On Tuesday we reported about oral arguments before a federal appeals court in Philadelphia in AstraZeneca, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi’s lawsuits challenging federal agency findings that the companies’ conditions on 340B covered entities’ use of contract pharmacies violate the 340B statute.

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With GOP Control of U.S. House, Expect Increased Oversight of 340B Providers

Screenshot of Twitter post by Kevin McCarthy
U.S. House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy last night posted this tweet announcing his party will be the majority in the chamber for the next two years.

The Republican Party won control of the U.S. House last evening, securing the requisite 218th seat for majority status after the Associated Press declared Rep. Mike Garcia (R) the winner of a race in California.

Democrats on Nov. 12 won

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Breaking News

Two of Three Appeals Court Judges Question Government’s Stance That Drug Companies May Not Impose Conditions on 340B Sales

U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals court room
Two judges on a three-judge federal appeals court panel in Philadelphia today questioned whether the 340B statute forbids drug manufacturers from imposing distribution conditions on offers of 340B pricing.

Two judges on a three-judge federal appeals court panel this morning challenged a federal government lawyer’s stance that federal law forbids drug manufacturers from limiting how their drugs may be distributed when they offer to sell the drugs at reduced

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