100 Congressional Democrats Urge HHS to Use Existing Power to Lower Drug Prices

soldiers marching in formation on parade ground
Congressional Democrats want HHS to use march-in rights and other existing authority to lower drug prices.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services should swiftly use its existing statutory authority—including forcing drug patent owners to license their products to others—to lower drug prices, 100 Democratic members of Congress urged HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra late last

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Hospital Groups Cite Supreme Court Decision in Latest Briefs Backing Feds in Lilly and AstraZeneca 340B Cases

digital image of a courtroom
Hospital groups urged two federal appeals court to back the government in its fight to force Lilly and AstraZeneca to end restrictions on 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies.

Five groups that represent 340B hospitals have filed briefs in two federal appeals courts backing the federal government in its fight to force drug manufacturers Eli Lilly and AstraZeneca to end restrictions on 340B drug discounts when covered entities use

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Drug Makers’ 340B Overcharging Must Be Addressed, House E&C Democrat Dingell Says During Hearing

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) headshot
Drug manufacturers’ conditions on 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies “need to be addressed moving forward,” U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) said during a recent hearing.

Drug manufacturers’ decisions to impose conditions on 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies “need to be addressed moving forward,” U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) said last week during an Energy & Commerce (E&C) health subcommittee hearing last week.

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Lilly Announces Fourth Round of Refunds for 340B Overcharges in 2019

Lilly wordmark building-mounted sign
Lilly for the fourth time this year has announced refunds for overcharges on 340B-purchased drugs during 2019.

For the fourth time this year, drug manufacturer Lilly has announced refunds for overcharges on 340B-purchased drugs during 2019.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) posted the notice, dated May 27, on the Office of Pharmacy Affairs website

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Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, and Feds Trade Arguments in 340B Contract Pharmacy Litigation

Federal Appeals Court courtroom interior
Novo Nordisk and Sanofi urged a federal appeals court in Philadelphia to reverse a district judge’s ruling that their denials on 340B pricing when providers use multiple contract pharmacies violate the 340B statute.

Drug manufacturers Novo Nordisk and Sanofi last month urged a federal appeals court to reverse a district judge’s ruling that the companies’ conditions on 340B pricing when providers use multiple contract pharmacies violate the 340B statute.

Meanwhile, the federal government

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Breaking News

In Important Ruling, Federal Appeals Court Says Health Center May Challenge 340B Patient Definition’s Legality

Genesis Health Care exterior sign and building
A federal appeals court says South Carolina health center Genesis Healthcare has the right to challenge the 340B patient definition's legality in a lower federal court.

A federal appeals court ruled unanimously this morning that a South Carolina health center has the right to challenge the legality of the government’s 340B patient definition in a lower federal court. The case ultimately could have profound implications for

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House Appropriators Ask Feds to Use “Any Available Measures” to Curb Pharma’s 340B Pricing Denials

U.S. House Appropriations Committee room
The U.S. House Appropriations Committee says HRSA should use "any available means" to hold drug makers accountable for curtailing "use of 340B drugs in contract pharmacies."

The U.S. House Appropriations Committee said this week it is concerned about the growing number of drug manufacturers “that curtail the use of 340B drugs in contract pharmacies.” It encouraged the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration to use “any

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As UCB Reviews HRSA’s 340B Enforcement Letter, Grassley Presses OIG for Answers

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) speaking in a meeting with hospital employees
U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), after meeting with 340B hospital employees in his home state, tweeted that he needs answers about drug company 340B violations and actions HHS may take.

Drug manufacturer UCB says it is reviewing Monday’s letter from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration telling the company its restrictions on 340B pricing to covered entities that use contract pharmacies break federal law and must end immediately.


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AHA Tells HHS It Wants Prompt Repayment for All Years Hospitals’ Medicare Drug Payments Have Been Cut

American Hospital Association seal on interior office wall
The American Hospital Association and other major hospital groups have placed multiple 340B program goals on their 2024 advocacy agendas.

The American Hospital Association wants to discuss with U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra how 340B hospitals should be promptly repaid “for all of the years (2018-2022) in which the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) illegally

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Q3 340B Entity Registration Starts Tomorrow

Screenshot of HRSA Office of Pharmacy Affairs 340B registration page
The Q3 2022 registration period for healthcare providers, outpatient facilities, and contract pharmacies to participate in 340B begins July 1 and ends July 15.

The third quarterly period this year for 340B registration of new covered entities, outpatient facilities, and contract pharmacies will begin tomorrow, July 1, and end on Friday, July 15.

Eligible hospitals, health centers, clinics, and their child sites and contract

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