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HRSA Refers Boehringer Ingelheim to HHS Inspector General over its 340B Contract Pharmacy Policy

Boehringer Ingelheim exterior sign and building
HRSA has referred Boehringer Ingelheim to the HHS Inspector General for possible imposition of civil monetary penalties over BI's conditions on 340B pricing when hospitals use contract pharmacies.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) today turned the screws tighter on Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) over its “continued failure to provide the 340B price to covered entities utilizing contract pharmacies.”

HRSA told BI in a March 29

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HRSA Invokes Contract Pharmacy Fight in Pitch for Comprehensive 340B Regulatory Power

Department of Health and Human Service budget title page
HRSA yesterday told Congress in its budget request that it needed comprehensive regulatory authority over the 340B program to resolve the dispute over the 340B contract pharmacy program.

Congress needs to give the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) comprehensive regulatory authority over the 340B program to resolve the dispute over the 340B contract pharmacy program, the Biden administration said yesterday in its proposed budget—although it did

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Arkansas Health Centers and Community Hospital Want Role in Challenging PhRMA’s Lawsuit Over State’s Novel 340B Contract Pharmacy Law

Entrance to Mid Delta Health Center
Mid Delta Health Center is a member of Community Health Centers of Arkansas, which wants to intervene in PhRMA's lawsuit challenging the state's one-of-a-kind law protecting 340B contract pharmacy arrangements.

Arkansas health centers asked a federal court yesterday to let them intervene in the drug industry lawsuit challenging the state’s one-of-a-kind law protecting 340B contract pharmacy arrangements.

Community Health Centers of Arkansas (CHCA) filed the motion yesterday along with

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BioComp Providing Refunds for 340B Overcharges Spanning a Whopping 8 Years

BioComp Pharma product list
Following a HRSA audit, BioComp Pharma is offering 340B covered entities refunds on six products for overcharges spanning eight years.

Generic-drug manufacturer BioComp is offering covered entities refunds for lower 340B prices that it did not pay on six NDCs for periods over eight years, starting in Q3 2013 and ending in Q2 2021.

BioComp, a wholly-owned subsidiary of San

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Feds Take Over Prosecution of Whistleblower Suit Against Tenn. Health System Alleged to Have Paid Cancer Docs Illegally for Referrals that Boosted 340B Profits

Methodist University hospital building
The federal government has decided to intervene in a 340B-related whistleblower lawsuit involving Methodist University Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.

The federal government has decided to intervene in a whistleblower lawsuit that accuses a Tennessee health system of paying Memphis-area cancer physicians for referrals that allegedly generated about $70 million a year in profits for the health system from billings

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California 340B Health Centers Say State “Essentially Admits” Flaws in Medicaid Drug Reimbursement Change

Sherman Heights Family Health Center building
California health centers want a federal court to stop a state Medicaid policy that deprives them of millions of dollars in 340B drug reimbursement.

California health centers told a federal judge last week that the state’s arguments for dismissing the centers’ lawsuit to reverse a new state Medicaid policy that deprives them of millions of dollars in 340B drug reimbursement lack merit.

Community Health

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News Alert

HRSA Starts Contacting Hospitals Forced Out of 340B During Pandemic About Possible Reinstatement

Dept. of Health and Human Services exterior sign and building
HRSA will review and release some of the 340B-related records the New York Times is seeking through FOIA requests.

UPDATE Friday, March 18, 2022, 1:30 p.m. EDT—The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) told 340B Report shortly after this story was published, “To be eligible, [a] hospital’s termination must have been as a result of actions taken by

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For 2-3 Years, CMS Could Pay 340B Hospitals More for Pricey New Alzheimer’s Drug Than Current Norm

A box and bottle of prescription drug Aduhelm
MedPAC says that for two or three years CMS likely would pay 340B hospitals more for the expensive new Alzheimer's drug Aduhelm than it normally would for a Part B drug.

Medicare likely would pay 340B hospitals 106% of the average sales price (ASP) for Aduhelm—Biogen’s high-cost biologic drug for early-stage Alzheimer’s disease—for the first two or three years it is on the market, not the ASP minus 22.5% 340B hospital

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CMS Asks Judge to Dismiss 340B Health Centers’ Claims in Suit Over Medicaid Drug Benefits Transfer

A California benefits identification card
CMS told a judge last week it "has no authority to second-guess California’s decision" to transfer Medicaid managed care drug benefits to Medicaid fee for service.

The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) asked a federal district judge in Sacramento last week to dismiss California health centers’ claims for relief over CMS’s approval of the state’s transfer of Medicaid managed care drug benefits to

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Judge Clears Way for Feds to Appeal His Ruling in AstraZeneca’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit

AstraZeneca building-mounted sign
A federal judge has cleared the way for the federal government to appeal his decision in AstraZeneca's 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit.

A federal district judge on Friday entered his final orders and judgement in AstraZeneca’s 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit, clearing the way for the government to file its anticipated appeal.

Judge Leonard Stark of the District of Delaware closed the first

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