AstraZeneca Court Ruling Means All Six of HRSA’s 340B Original Contract Pharmacy Violation Letters are Dead

After yesterday's court decision in AstraZeneca’s 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit, all six of HRSA's letters telling Astra, Lilly, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, and United Therapeutics that their actions are illegal are dead.

UPDATED Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022, 4:00 p.m. EDT—The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) said this afternoon, “The 340B program is an essential component of the safety net system that helps make health care and prescription drugs more affordable

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Drug Makers Ask Judge Again to Dismiss 340B-Related Antitrust Charges

Insulin and diabetes drug manufacturers urged a federal judge again to dismiss 340B-related antitrust charges against them.

Insulin and diabetes drug manufacturers charged with federal and state price-fixing violations over their 340B contract pharmacy restrictions have again told a federal judge why they think she should dismiss the case.

AstraZeneca, Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi filed their

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Merck Offering Refunds for 340B Overcharges

Merck is providing refunds to 340B covered entities for purchases of 17 products during the third quarter of 2020.

Drug manufacturer Merck is providing 340B covered entities with refunds for overcharges on 17 NDCs for purchases between Jan. 1 and March 31, 2019, the company says in a new public notice on the U.S. Health Resources and Services

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California Asks Judge to Dismiss 340B Health Centers’ Suit Challenging Medicaid Drug Payment Change

California says its consolidation of Medicaid prescription drug services under Medicaid fee for service (Medi-Cal Rx) does not deprive 340B health centers of revenue to which they are entitled.

California’s consolidation on Jan. 1 of all its Medicaid (Medi-Cal) prescription drug services under Medi-Cal fee for service does not violate federal law and does not deprive the state’s 340B health centers “of any reimbursement or revenue to which they

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Breaking News

Federal Judge Vacates HRSA’s Finding that AstraZeneca’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Policy Is Illegal

A federal district judge today struck down and vacated HRSA's May 2021 finding that AstraZeneca's 340B contract pharmacy policy violates the 340B statute.

A federal district judge in Wilmington, Del., today struck down and vacated the federal government’s finding that drug maker AstraZeneca’s conditions on 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies violates the 340B statute.

U.S. District Judge Leonard Stark of

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HHS Secretary Becerra Pledges to Keep Fighting Against 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions “Because it’s the Law”

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra told health centers yesterday that “we’re going to continue to fight” drug manufacturers that restrict 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies “because it’s the law.”

U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra said yesterday that “we’re going to continue to fight” drug manufacturers that restrict 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies “because it’s the law.”

Becerra’s Feb. 14 remarks about manufacturers’

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In a Win for Health Centers, 340B ADR Panel Says Proceedings Against AstraZeneca & Sanofi Must Go On

A 340B administrative dispute resolution (ADR) panel said it will not stop proceedings in the National Association of Community Health Centers’ complaint against AstraZeneca and Sanofi.

A 340B administrative dispute resolution (ADR) panel decided late last week that it will not stop proceedings in the National Association of Community Health Centers’ (NACHC) dispute-resolution petition over drug manufacturers AstraZeneca and Sanofi’s conditions on 340B pricing when covered

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In a Move that May Get Significant Pushback, Lilly Signals that it Can Recoup 340B Underpayments from Entities at its Discretion

Eli Lilly signaled late last week that it thinks it can seek more for its products from 340B covered entities if it learns later that it charged them less than what the company perceives the law allows.

Drug manufacturer Lilly indicated late last week that it reserves the right to seek additional compensation for its products from 340B covered entities if it learns later that it charged them less than what the company perceives the 340B statute

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Hospital Groups Pan GSK’s New 340B Contract Pharmacy Policy, PhRMA Says It Will Continue to Push for Reform

Hospital groups are criticizing GlaxoSmithKline's new 340B contract pharmacy policy. PhRMA says it will keep pushing to change 340B.

America’s Essential Hospitals and 340B Health yesterday denounced GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) new restrictions on 340B pricing when hospitals use contract pharmacies. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) said this morning it will keep pushing for “much needed changes” to

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News Alert: Biden Praises Congresswoman’s “Relentless” Work on 340B During Major Speech on Drug Pricing Reform

During a major speech today on drug pricing reform, President Biden applauded U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) for her “relentless” work to ensure that the 340B statute “is actually enforced.”

President Joe Biden today during a major speech on drug pricing reform applauded U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) for being “relentless in making sure” that the 340B statute “is actually enforced.”

Biden and U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary

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