Exclusive: AIDS Healthcare Foundation Says Re-Opening 340B Law Over Contract Pharmacy Fight Will Backfire

An AIDS Healthcare Foundation activist handed out Let it B signs supporting the 340B program during a September 2021 protest in front of U.S. Rep. Scott Peters' (D-Calif.) district office in San Diego.

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) today criticized efforts to introduce federal legislation to address drug manufacturers’ denials of 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies. It said the drug industry “will certainly use any legislation as an opportunity to further

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With Planned Series of House Speeches Delayed, GOP Lawmaker Speaks Out in Support of 340B

U.S. Rep Jake LaTurner (R-Kan.) praised 340B on the House floor Tuesday. An hour's worth of other testimonials by House members planned for the same day was postponed.

A Kansas Republican congressman on Tuesday urged fellow House members in a brief floor speech to “reaffirm our commitment to protecting” the 340B program.

Rep. Jake LaTurner (R-Kan.) congratulated 340B on its 30th anniversary. He said the program “has helped

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Biden and Becerra Slated to Speak at NACHC Event Next Week

President Joe Biden (left) and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra are scheduled to speak on Monday, Feb. 14, during the National Association of Community Health Centers’ (NACHC) Policy and Issues Virtual Forum.

President Joe Biden and U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra are scheduled to speak on Monday, Feb. 14, during the National Association of Community Health Centers’ Policy and Issues Virtual Forum, NACHC announced on Tuesday.

Securing Biden

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GSK Providing Refunds for 340B Overcharges During Q1 2020

GlaxoSmithKline is providing refunds for charges above 340B ceiling prices on nine NDCs for purchases during Q1 2020.

Drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline is providing refunds for charges above 340B ceiling prices on nine NDCs for purchases during Q1 2020.

GSK posted a public notice about the repayments on the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration web site this

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HRSA Says at Least Three Hospitals Have Lost 340B Eligibility So Far Due to COVID-19 Patient Mix Changes

St. Elizabeth Healthcare in Ft. Thomas, Ky., is one of three hospitals known to have withdrawn from the 340B program because changes in patient mix linked to the COVID-19 pandemic caused them to lose their eligibility. More are expected to lose eligibility soon.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) said yesterday it knows of three hospitals that have withdrawn from the 340B program because changes in patient mix linked to the COVID-19 pandemic caused them to lose their eligibility. There could

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Democratic Senator’s Illness Stalls Action on Drug Pricing Indefinitely

Sen. Ben Ray Lujan's (D-N.M.) recent stroke and absence makes it even less likely that Congress will pass Democratic drug pricing legislation any time soon.

Prospects for passage of Democratic drug pricing legislation as part of the Build Back Better (BBB) Act dimmed again last week with news that Sen. Ben Ray Lujan (D-N.M.) had a stroke on Jan 27.

Lujan’s chief of staff

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Second Major 340B Stakeholder Says Congress May Need to Stop Drug Makers’ Contract Pharmacy Actions

NACHC is the second major 340B covered entity group in recent days to say publicly that Congress might need to resolve the impasse over 340B contract pharmacy.

The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) told Republican members of Congress last week that “congressional action may be the only solution” to drug makers’ “aggressive actions to limit patients’ access to affordable medications at contract pharmacies.”


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Apexus Picks Ohio Health System Pharmacy Exec Michelle Wiest For Influential 340B Position

Apexus announced yesterday that it has hired Michelle Wiest, most recently vice president of pharmacy services at UC Health in Cincinnati, to be its senior vice president of 340B policy and compliance.

Michelle Wiest, most recently vice president of pharmacy services at UC Health in Cincinnati, is Apexus’s new senior vice president of 340B policy and compliance.

Apexus announced Wiest’s hiring yesterday. The company said Wiest will oversee its education programming, compliance

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Spanberger and Johnson Lining up an Hour of Pro-340B Accolades on U.S. House Floor Next Tuesday

U.S. Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) and Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) are are organizing an hour of end-of-the-day floor speeches by House members lauding the 340B program this Tuesday.

340B covered entity allies in the U.S. House are booking an hour of floor speeches by members lauding the drug discount program next week Tuesday after all legislative business is finished.

Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) and Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) are

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News Alert: At 340B Conference, Feds Laud 340B Providers, Criticize Drug Makers Embroiled in Contract Pharmacy Fight

U.S Assistant Surgeon General Krista Pedley (left) and OPA Acting Director Michelle Herzog told health care providers attending the 340B Coalition winter conference they back them in the 340B contract pharmacy fight.

340B program federal administrators told health care providers attending the 340B Coalition winter conference in San Diego today that they are behind them in the battle with drug manufacturers over accessing 340B pricing in the contract pharmacy setting.

The U.S.

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