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Senator Cassidy Expands 340B Inquiry to Two Major Contract Pharmacies

Sen. Bill Cassidy
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) expanded his ongoing inquiry into 340B revenue with letters to two major contract pharmacies.
The top Republican on an influential Senate committee yesterday asked the nation’s two largest contract pharmacy companies for detailed information [...]

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2024 Congressional 340B Outlook: Overhaul Unlikely Without Major Legal Developments, Senate Deal

US Capitol
A Senate Committee recently approved the FY25 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.
In 2024, congressional gridlock and election year dynamics will likely slow momentum on any comprehensive 340B program reform package, lobbyists [...]

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Critics of 340B Urge Congressional Reforms of the Program

Edolphus Towns, Jr., a former congressman (D-N.Y.) who voted to create the 340B program, recently wrote a guest editorial calling for congressional reforms.
Critics of the 340B program, including a former congressman who voted to create the program, have written recent editorials urging [...]

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Column: Hospitals Are Not the Only 340B Providers Under Scrutiny

Ted Slafsky, publisher and CEO of 340B Report, writes the second part of his two-part column on the Senate "group of six" 340B discussion draft.
Veteran 340B observers were surprised to see that Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) has expanded his 340B investigation into community health [...]

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DeGette Seen as Possible Successor to Eshoo as Top Dem on House E&C Health Subcommittee

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) is a possible candidate to succeed retiring Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) as the ranking Democrat or chair of the House E&C Health Subcommittee.
Who will succeed retiring Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) as top Democrat on the House Energy & Commerce (E&C) subcommittee that [...]

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340B Dispute Resolution Coming This Month, White House Says

The White House plans to release a revised administrative dispute resolution process for the 340B program this month.
The federal 340B program remains on track to publish a final rule this month revising its administrative dispute resolution (ADR) [...]

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Federal 340B Leader Moves On After 21 Months

Lt. Cmdr. Emeka Egwim headshot
U.S. Public Health Service Lieutenant Commander Emeka Egwim left his position as director of OPA at HRSA 21 months after he started.
U.S. Public Health Service Lieutenant Commander Emeka Egwim left his position as director of the federal office overseeing the 340B [...]

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House Committee Approves PBM Transparency Bill with 340B Provision

The House E&C Committee on Dec. 6 unanimously approved a PBM transparency bill with a 340B program provision.
Lawmakers on a key House committee approved a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) transparency bill on Wednesday that would require PBMs [...]

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Two Senior GOP Senators Suggest 340B Linked to Generic Drug Shortages

Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, said penny pricing under 340B warranted “serious scrutiny in the context of generic products.”
Two Republican Senators on an influential committee suggested during a hearing on Tuesday that 340B discounts could contribute to certain [...]

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Senate Drug Shortage Hearing to Include 340B-Researcher Witnesses

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, announced a Dec. 5 hearing on prescription drug shortages that will include testimony from two witnesses who have published research on the 340B program.
A Senate Finance Committee Dec. 5 hearing on prescription drug shortages will include testimony from two witnesses who have written [...]

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