Biden Administration Moves a Step Closer to Trashing Trump’s 340B Health Center Insulin/EpiPen Rule

Former President Trump signed an executive order in July 2020 directing HHS to limit what 340B health centers can charge patients for insulin and EpiPen-type devices.

The dumping of a controversial Trump administration rule limiting what 340B health centers can charge patients for insulin and EpiPen-type devices took a big step closer to being finalized last week.

Late last week Thursday, the U.S. Health Resources

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U.S. Supreme Court Gets Several Briefs Urging Rejection of CMS’s Drug Payment Cuts for 340B Hospitals

Nine friend-of-the-court briefs have been filed urging the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down the CMS rule that imposed a huge cut in 340B hospitals’ Medicare reimbursement for physician administered drugs.

Nine friend-of-the-court briefs have been filed in the nation’s highest court urging rejection of an appeals court’s decision last year that upheld a huge cut in 340B hospitals’ Medicare reimbursement for physician administered drugs.

Thirty-seven state and regional hospital associations

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Napo Pharmaceuticals Tells Entities How They Can Keep Getting 340B Price on Limited-Distribution Drug

Napo Pharmaceuticals has told covered entities how they can continue to buy Mytesi, an antidiarrheal for patients living with HIV/AIDS who take antiretroviral drugs, at its 340B price.

Napo Pharmaceuticals yesterday posted a public notice to 340B covered entities about how to obtain 340B pricing on Mytesi, an antidiarrheal for patients living with HIV/AIDS who take antiretroviral drugs.

Napo said in the notice on the U.S. Health

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News Alert: Key House Committee Excludes “Spread Pricing” Language that 340B Entities Feared from Drug Pricing Legislation

The House Energy & Commerce Committee excluded spread-pricing language that 340B entities feared from forthcoming drug pricing legislation.

340B covered entities are breathing easier today upon learning that U.S. House Democrats excluded much-feared Medicaid managed care “spread pricing” language from forthcoming drug pricing legislation.

The House Energy & Commerce Committee late yesterday released the text of the 16

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In Largely Symbolic Move, Becerra Expresses “Strong Support” for 340B in Drug Pricing Plan

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra yesterday expressed "strong support" for the 340B program in a drug pricing report to the White House, but recommended no changes to the program.

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra yesterday reiterated HHS’ “strong support for the 340B Drug Pricing Program” in a 29-page plan to lower drug prices.

Becerra’s Sept. 9 report to White House domestic and economic policy counselors

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As Hospital Recertification Deadline Nears, 340B Eligibility Challenges Appear Not to Be Widespread for Now

The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on hospitals’ eligibility for 340B could become an issue beginning later this year, industry observers say.

With the deadline for hospitals to recertify their eligibility for 340B drug discounts arriving on Monday, it appears most facilities will remain qualified—at least for now.

Industry observers say the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on hospitals’ eligibility for 340B could become

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340B Report Publisher and CEO: Congress Needs to Intervene to Resolve Contract Pharmacy Impasse

340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky addresses enforcement actions and litigation surrounding state 340B contract pharmacy laws in his latest column.

The only clear path to resolve the impasse over the legality of 340B contract pharmacy arrangements is for Congress to clarify the 340B law, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky writes in his latest column for Omnicell.


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HRSA Grants 340B Flexibilities to N.J. and N.Y. Due to Hurricane

Federal health officials yesterday added New Jersey and New York to the list of states granted 340B enrollment flexibility due to Hurricane Ida.

Federal health officials have added New Jersey and New York to the list of states granted 340B enrollment flexibility due to Hurricane Ida.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) posted the notice about the East Coast states’ addition

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Providers Concerned About Drug Pricing Reform’s Potential to Undermine 340B

Four more U.S. House Democrats recently signed on to co-sponsor the 340B PATIENTS Act.

340B covered entities are ramping up their lobbying on Capitol Hill as Congress works toward possible enactment soon of major drug pricing reforms.

Entities are telling key members of Congress and their staffs that while they support federal action to

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After HRSA Notification, NACHC Refiles 340B Dispute Complaints Against Drug Manufacturers

Community health centers split their 340B dispute resolution petition against drug manufacturers Eli Lilly, Sanofi, and AstraZeneca into two—one against Lilly alone, the other against Sanofi and AstraZeneca together.

Community health centers on Tuesday split their 340B dispute resolution petition against drug manufacturers Eli Lilly, Sanofi, and AstraZeneca into two—one against Lilly alone, the other against Sanofi and AstraZeneca together—to let federal officials commence proceedings against Sanofi and AstraZeneca.

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