Biden Wants to Rescind Trump’s Most Favored Nation Proposal That Received Widespread Criticism from Drug Industry and 340B Providers

The Biden administration plans to rescind ex-President Trump's Most Favored Nation interim final rule that would peg Medicare reimbursement for some drugs to the lowest price that drug manufacturers get in similar countries.

The Biden administration plans to rescind a published but unimplemented Trump-era regulation that would peg Medicare Part B drug reimbursement for 50 expensive, physician-administered drugs on the lowest price that drug manufacturers get in similar countries. The widely criticized regulation

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Contrary to Reports, Judge in AstraZeneca Lawsuit Did Not Strike Down 340B Unlimited Contract Pharmacy, Court Clerk Says

U.S. Chief District Judge Leonard Stark did not rule that AstraZeneca is not required to deliver 340B discounts drugs to an unlimited number of contract pharmacies, the court clerk's office said today.

The clerk of the federal district court in Wilmington, Del., confirmed this morning that a judge did not rule that drug manufacturer AstraZeneca is not required to deliver 340B discounts drugs to an unlimited number of contract pharmacies. There were

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Insulin Manufacturers Colluded on 340B Contract Pharmacy After Joint Lobbying Push Failed, Lawsuit Alleges

Four insulin manufacturers conspired to deny 340B discounts on their products shipped to contract pharmacies after an effort to lobby the Trump administration failed, a lawsuit alleges.

CORRECTION Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021, 8:15 p.m.—Earlier today, we misdescribed Novo Nordisk’s 340B contract pharmacy policy. Beginning on Jan. 1, 2021, Novo Nordisk stopped facilitating bill to/ship to distribution of 340B product to hospital contract pharmacies. We incorrectly said Novo

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340B Report Publisher and CEO Says New Bipartisan 340B Bill is Win for Providers and Drug Industry

The PROTECT 340B solves "two of the most intractable challenges in the 340B program in one fell swoop," 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky writes in his latest column for Omnicell.

U.S. Reps. David McKinley (R-W.Va.) and Abigail Spanberger’s (D-Va.) bipartisan PROTECT 340B Act (H.R. 4390) can “resolve two of the most intractable challenges in the 340B program in one fell swoop” while satisfying both covered entities and drug manufacturers, 340B

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Health Center Files 340B Contract Pharmacy Antitrust Suit Against Insulin Makers, Seeks Nationwide Class Action Certification

The reception area in Mosaic Health's Illion, N.Y., location. Mosaic accuses four insulin manufacturers in a new lawsuit of conspiring to raise prices for 340B entities that use contract pharmacies.

An upstate New York health center has sued the nation’s four major insulin manufacturers for allegedly conspiring to stop offering 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies.

Mosaic Health’s July 30 lawsuit claims that insulin manufacturers’ Sanofi, Eli

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Infrastructure Bill Excludes Spread-Pricing Language That 340B Entities Oppose

An infrastructure-spending bill nearing a vote in the U.S. Senate excludes Medicaid managed care “spread pricing” language that 340B entities have been fending off since 2019.

340B covered entities dodged a bullet Sunday when U.S. Senate negotiators released the text of a $550 billion bipartisan infrastructure-spending bill. It did not contain Medicaid managed care “spread pricing” language that entities have been fending off since 2019. Entities

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Young Firebrand Lawmaker Gets into Shouting Match with 340B Champion

U.S. Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C., left) and the staff of Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va., right) allegedly got into "a back-and-forth" last week over Cawthorn's listing as a co-sponsor of 340B legislation that McKinley filed with Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.).

News organization Politico reports that U.S. Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) “got into a back-and-forth with” the staff of Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va.) last week Thursday, July 29, over Cawthorn’s listing as a co-sponsor of legislation to protect 340B covered

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Distressed Critical Access Hospitals that Devolve to Stay Open Would Lose 340B Eligibility

A new federal law to help financially distressed rural hospitals stay open in a reduced capacity would not preserve the hospitals’ eligibility for 340B drug discounts.

A new federal law to help financially distressed rural hospitals stay open in a reduced capacity would not preserve the hospitals’ eligibility for 340B drug discounts.

Federal spending legislation that President Trump signed into law last Dec. 27 included a

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Feds and Lilly Make Their Case to Federal Judge in Key Hearing Today

U.S.District Judge Sarah Evans Barker held a hearing today in drug manufacturer Eli Lilly's 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit against HRSA.

Attorneys for the government and drug manufacturer Eli Lilly dueled over the legality of 340B contract pharmacy requirements during a hearing before a federal district judge in Indianapolis today.

Stakeholders are watching the Lilly case closely because, given how far

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Key GOP Congressman Opposed 340B Amendment to Spending Bill During Committee Hearing

Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) this week cited ongoing 340B contract pharmacy litigation in cautioning against amending federal spending legislation to rebuke six drug manufacturers’ denials of 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies.

An influential Republican congressman on Monday cautioned against amending federal spending legislation to rebuke six drug manufacturers’ denials of 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies.

During a July 26 U.S. House Rules Committee hearing, Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas)

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