Muted by Litigation, Pedley Avoids Hottest 340B Topics But Provides Some Nuggets

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is “ramping up” its work with the Biden administration “and bringing forth the key issues and concerns of” the 340B program, Rear Adm. Krista Pedley, the program’s director, said today in a

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AstraZeneca Tells Court HHS’s 340B Enforcement Poses “Imminent Irreparable Harm”

AstraZeneca told a federal judge that federal enforcement of 340B contract pharmacy requirements threatens it with "imminent, irreparable harm.” | Shutterstock

Drug manufacturer AstraZeneca on Friday asked the federal district judge in Delaware handling its 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit against the federal government either to issue a preliminary injunction in its favor or expedite court proceedings “to prevent imminent irreparable harm”

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Legislation Lifting Maximum Cap on Medicaid Rebates Advances

The U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee on Friday passed pandemic-relief legislation with language that could cause pharmaceutical manufacturers to owe states Medicaid drug rebates worth more than a drug’s average manufacturer price (AMP). It could also result in additional

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PolitiFact Calls Senate Candidate’s 340B Insulin Claim “Mostly False”

PolitiFact rated U.S. Senate candidate Mark Walker’s tweet that President Biden “is raising the prices of insulin and Epi-Pens on those with high costs and the uninsured” as being Mostly False.

A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalism website that fact-checks politicians’ claims has waded into the controversy over whether President Biden raised insulin prices by freezing a 340B-related Trump administration regulation.

On Feb. 11, the Poynter Institute’s PolitiFact site rated U.S. Senate

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In Key Hearing, Federal Judge Expresses Doubt About Court’s Ability To Take Action on Contract Pharmacy Matter

Tuesday's hearing in a lawsuit involving drug manufacturers denials of 340B pricing on contract pharmacy drugs was held in the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building in Oakland, Calif.

A federal district judge in Oakland, Calif., on Tuesday expressed doubt that she had jurisdiction to require the U.S. Health and Human Services Department (HHS) to make drug manufacturers repay 340B hospitals for drug discounts that the companies have declined

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House Set To Act on Bill that Could Result in Higher Medicaid Rebates and 340B Discounts

The U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee is scheduled to mark up COVID-19 relief legislation today with language that could cause pharmaceutical manufacturers to owe states Medicaid drug rebates worth more than a drug’s average manufacturer price (AMP).

The language

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Hospitals Ask U.S. Supreme Court to End “Crushing” Medicare Payments Cuts for 340B Drugs

Three national hospital groups and three hospitals yesterday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a federal appeals court’s 2-1 July 2020 decision that the nearly 30 percent cut since 2018 in 340B hospitals’ drug reimbursement under the hospital outpatient

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AHA Asks CMS to Rein In UHC’s Specialty Pharmacy Policies

The American Hospital Association says UnitedHealthcare's Specialty pharmacy coverage policies undermine the 340B program's intent. | Shutterstock

The American Hospital Association (AHA) last week told the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that insurance company UnitedHealthcare’s (UHC) specialty pharmacy coverage policies “undermine the intent of the 340B program” and should be disallowed.

In a Feb.

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Biden Administration Position in Supreme Court ACA Case Has 340B Implications

340B hospitals’ Medicare Part B payment challenge is not the only Supreme Court case next term that will impact the 340B program.

The Biden administration late yesterday told the U.S. Supreme Court that, due to the change in the presidency, the federal government has changed its main position in the lawsuit over the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) constitutionality. The government now says

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Drug Manufacturers GSK and Esperion Offering Refunds for 340B Overcharges

Glaxo Smith Kline has notified 340B covered entities about the availability of refunds for overcharges early in 2019. | Shutterstock

Drug manufacturer Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) yesterday notified 340B covered entities on the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) website that it is offering refunds for overcharges on about two dozen NDCs during the first quarter of 2019.


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