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Optimizing 340B Savings Through Referral Capture

25% – 35%
of a hospital’s contract pharmacy opportunity lies in referral prescriptions

There are several ways to enhance, boost, and optimize 340B savings. This white paper looks at how capturing referrals can benefit a covered entity’s 340B program savings and mission.


According to HRSA guidelines, a covered entity may send a patient to an outside clinic not registered with 340B and consider

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340B Sales Grew 18% from 2019 to 2020, Drug Industry Consulting Firm Says

Growth in 340B sales is being driven by specialty products and use of mail-order contract pharmacy, pharmacy consulting firm IQVIA says.

Drug industry consulting and contract research firm IQVIA reports that prescription drug sales at 340B-discounted prices grew 18.1% year-on-year from 2019 to 2020.

“Astonishingly, this represents an acceleration in 340B growth versus 2019,” the firm said in a March

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NY State 340B Providers Get More Time to Challenge Reimbursement Change

New York lawmakers and Gov. Andrew Cuomo agreed on budget legislation this week that will delay a Medicaid drug benefit transfer opposed by 340B entities for two years.

New York state lawmakers and Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) agreed this week to postpone transferring Medicaid managed care prescription drug  benefits to Medicaid fee for service (FFS) for two years, temporarily averting a significant financial loss to 340B covered entities.

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Panel Lauds Women’s Role in Creating and Leading 340B

Participants in last week's Notable Women of 340B webinar included, clockwise from top left, Peggy Tighe, Colleen Meiman, Colleen DiClaudio, Marilyn Hayes, and Lorrie Carr.

(Updated Tuesday, April 6, 2021, 4:00 p.m. EDT—Individuals who were among CV340B’s Notable Women of 340B were excluded from the original version of this article. They have been added to the list at the end.)

Women have played a key

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340B Groups Ask Express Scripts to Drop Claims Submission and ID Requirement

The 340B Coalition told Express Scripts that covered entities cannot comply with its new 340B claims submission and identification requirement absent "a massive investment of financial and human resources." | Shutterstock

Groups representing 340B health care providers have asked pharmacy benefit manager Express Scripts (ESI) to stop making 340B providers and their contract pharmacies retrospectively submit and flag 340B claims in a way that has never been done before, and that

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340B Hospitals More Likely to Make Medicine More Accessible, Study Finds

University of Illinois Chicago researchers found that 340B hospitals provide significantly more medication access services such as discharge prescriptions to patients at bedside than comparably sized non-340B hospitals. | Shutterstock

340B hospitals provide “a significantly higher average number” of medication access (MA) services—such as free or discounted drugs or free delivery—than comparably sized non-340B hospitals, a new academic study shows.

The study was conducted by the University of Illinois Chicago

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Study in Health Affairs Could Reignite Debate Over Some 340B Hospitals Charity Care

Researchers at The Johns Hopkins University found that nonprofit hospitals spend significantly less on charity care than government or for-profit hospitals.

A study published online by Health Affairs yesterday on nonprofit hospitals’ provision of charity care could renew drug manufacturers’ calls for more control over those hospitals’ participation in the 340B program.

Professors and scientists at The Johns Hopkins University used

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AHA Warns MedPAC its Recommendations Would Harm 340B Hospitals

Hospitals say that Medicare Part B drug reimbursement changes that MedPAC endorsed last week would amplify the effect of Part B drug payment cuts for 340B hospitals in place since 2018. | Shutterstock

Congressional Medicare policy advisers on Friday unanimously endorsed Medicare Part B drug reimbursement changes that hospitals say would amplify the effect of Part B drug payment cuts for 340B hospitals in place since 2018.

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC)

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Panelists Share Insights on Using 340B in Prisons and Jails

Correctional institutions can maximize their funds and improve inmate care by partnering with or becoming 340B covered entities, but doing so can be tricky, experts said during a March 31 webinar. | Shutterstock

Prisons struggling with the high cost of treating inmates with viral illnesses such as hepatitis C and HIV can turn to the 340B program for relief, but participation is often tricky.

That was the takeaway of “Demystifying 340B for Correctional

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HHS’s Latest Regulatory Agenda Is Silent on 340B, but Program Rulemaking Is Possible

HHS's latest semi-annual regulatory agenda is mum on 340B, but that doesn't mean there is nothing 340B-related in the pipeline. | Shutterstock

The U.S. Health and Human Services Department (HHS) yesterday released the spring edition of its twice-annual public inventory of forthcoming regulatory actions. Although it was silent about the 340B program, 340B stakeholders shouldn’t breathe a sigh of relief yet.


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