HHS Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Reject 340B Hospital Request to Hear Medicare Part B Case

HHS has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to decline taking up 340B hospital suit on Medicare Part B reimbursement.

While 340B hospitals eagerly await to see the Biden administration’s plans for Medicare Part B reimbursement, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) last night asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reject an effort by hospital groups to

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Bipartisan Lawmakers Re-Introduce Bill Shielding Hospitals From Lost 340B Eligibility Due to COVID-19

Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA) has reintroduced a bill to protect 340B hospitals from losing eligibility during COVID-19.

A bipartisan group of six U.S. House members, led by Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA), have re-introduced a bill that would prevent hospitals from losing eligibility for 340B discounts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Five of the six types

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Will New Administration Reverse Deep Medicare Part B Cuts to 340B Hospitals?

"Life in the Community" sculpture outside of CMS headquarters in Baltimore.

The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Tuesday asked the White House to review a hospital payment proposed rule for next year that will either keep, end, or change the nearly 30 percent cut since 2018 in Medicare

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DOJ Cites 1996 HRSA Letter to PhRMA in Request to Dismiss Novo Nordisk’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Suit

DOJ says Novo Nordisk’s claim that HHS's 340B contract pharmacy advisory opinion would make it break the law “is mere legerdemain.”

Novo Nordisk’s claim that a federal legal advisory opinion on 340B contract pharmacy would make it unlawfully transfer its drugs to ineligible pharmacies and ineligible patients “is mere legerdemain” (slight of hand), government lawyers for U.S. Health and Human Services

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OTC Drug Manufacturer Owes 340B Entities Refunds, HRSA Audit Finds

CDMA makes private label OTC products for supermarkets and chain and local pharmacies.

The U.S. Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) has ordered a Michigan-based manufacturer of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that it audited to repay 340B covered entities because it did not offer its products at the statutory ceiling price.

HRSA posted

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United Therapeutics Delays its 340B Claims Data Upload Requirement

United Therapeutics pushed back a contract pharmacy claims data sharing requirement for 340B covered entities from today to Sept. 1.

United Therapeutics is holding off on requiring 340B covered entities to turn over their contract pharmacy claims data in order to get 340B pricing on drugs shipped to those pharmacies. The policy was supposed to take effect today. It will

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Andrea Palm Confirmed as HHS Deputy Secretary

Andrea Palm, the new HHS deputy secretary, was often the person 340B stakeholders met with at HHS when she served in the department during the Obama administration.

The U.S. Senate on Wednesday voted 61-37 to confirm Andrea Palm’s nomination to be deputy secretary for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Palm voiced support for the 340B program during her confirmation hearing.

Palm’s confirmation still

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Breaking News

Breaking: Becerra, on 340B Pricing Denials, Tells House Panel, “Everyone Has to Follow the Law”

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra told a House committee today "We are on this one" in reference to drug companies denying 340B pricing on their products.

U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra told a member of Congress during a hearing this morning “We are on this one” when asked about six drug manufacturers’ denials of 340B drug discounts when covered entities use contract

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Takeda Pharmacy Partner Forcing 340B Pricing Opt-in/Opt-out Choice on Entities

Takeda business partner Foundation Care is making 340B covered entities declare on a form whether they will opt in or opt out of 340B pricing “on eligible product purchases,” as a condition for obtaining a Takeda leukemia drug | Shutterstock

Drug manufacturer Takeda’s designated specialty pharmacy and distributor for its leukemia drug Iclusig is making 340B covered entities declare on a form whether they will opt in or opt out of 340B pricing on purchases, as a condition for obtaining

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HRSA Signals It Will Rescind Trump’s 340B Insulin Rule

HRSA yesterday sent its proposal to rescind the Trump administration's 340B health center insulin pricing rule to the White House for review and approval. | Shutterstock

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) yesterday asked the White House for permission to rescind the Trump administration’s final rule to require health centers to provide insulin and injectable epinephrine to low-income patients at the price the centers

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