Lilly Updates its Arguments in 340B Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit

Drug maker Eli Lilly filed a brief in federal district court yesterday refreshing its arguments in its 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit.

Drug manufacturer Eli Lilly yesterday responded to the federal government’s June 25 motion to a federal judge in Indianapolis to dismiss the company’s case challenging the legality and constitutionality of the government’s 340B contract pharmacy requirements and 340B administrative dispute

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FQHCs Say Patients Will Suffer if Telehealth Flexibilities Aren’t Extended

NACHC says millions of health center patients could lose access to care if Congress and the Biden administration fail to extend telehealth flexibilities granted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Millions of community health center patients could lose access to care if Congress and the Biden administration fail to extend telehealth flexibilities granted during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for audio-only telehealth, a new survey report warns.

The National Association of

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Sixth Drug Manufacturer Sues HHS and HRSA Over 340B Contract Pharmacy

United Therapeutics sued HHS and HRSA on June 23 over 340B contract pharmacy requirements.

Drug manufacturer United Therapeutics (UT) has sued the federal government over its 340B contract pharmacy requirements, saying it is being forced “to engage in a program that enriches national pharmacy corporations at UT’s direct expense and at the expense of

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Multiple Developments in 340B Contract Pharmacy Lawsuits

Dozens of hospitals in Texas and other states have filed suit against HHS to block a rule that they say lowers their disproportionate share hospital adjustment percentage and could result in a loss of 340B discounts.

Sanofi Slams Government’s Contention of Harm to Covered Entities

Drug maker Sanofi last week updated its lawsuit challenging federal 340B contract pharmacy requirements to poke holes in the government’s introduction of, in the government’s words, “over six thousand pages

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Biden Gives Becerra 45 Days to Deliver a Plan to Fight Excessive Drug Prices

President Biden has given HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra an Aug. 23 deadline for a plan “to combat excessive pricing of prescription drugs.”

President Biden last Friday gave U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra 45 days to deliver a plan “to combat excessive pricing of prescription drugs.” Becerra’s deadline is Aug. 23.

Biden included drug pricing directives in a far-ranging July

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Rosen Introduces Bill to Boost Nonprofit Drug Makers’ Competitiveness

U.S. Sen. Jacky Rosen's (D-Nev.) bill, S. 2257, is aimed at boosting nonprofit drug companies' competitiveness.

U.S. Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) has introduced legislation to help nonprofit drug companies compete in the market with their for-profit counterparts.

Rosen’s bill S. 2257, the Expanding Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs and Medical Devices Act, would make it simpler

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News Alert: Bipartisan Bill Introduced to Protect 340B Providers From Reimbursement Cuts and Address Duplicate Discount Challenge

Reps. David McKinley (R-WV) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) introduced legislation today to address so called pickpocketing of 340B provider savings and establish a clearinghouse to address duplicate discounts.

Reps. David McKinley (R-WV) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) introduced the PROTECT 340B Act today, which would prohibit pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and other third-party payers from paying 340B providers below-market rates or engaging in other perceived discriminatory contracting practices. While

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Hospital Groups Outraged at Boehringer Ingelheim, Company Defends Its Plans and Calls for 340B Overhaul

Hospitals call Boehringer Ingelheim’s contract pharmacy plans “appalling” while company calls for “substantial reform” of the 340B program.

Hospital trade group 340B Health has asked pharmaceutical giant Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) to withdraw its plan to cut off discounts for drugs that are distributed by contract pharmacies. However, BI does not appear to be backing down and the German-based company

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Two High Profile Opioid Makers Among Companies Announcing Refunds to 340B Providers But Refunds for Mallinckrodt’s Top-Selling Drug Remain Elusive

Refunds for Mallinckrodt’s top-selling drug is noticeably absent from recent posting.

For the fourth time since 2020, Purdue Pharma has announced refunds to 340B covered entities for overcharges. Purdue, which pled guilty in November in federal court to fraud and kickback charges related to its role in fueling the national opioid-abuse epidemic,

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In Taking Up 340B Case, Supreme Court Could Reverse Longstanding Legal Doctrine

340B hospital challenge to Medicare Part B reimbursement could reverse long-standing legal doctrine.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to take up a case involving steep Medicare Part B payment cuts to 340B hospital-operated outpatient sites took many legal experts by surprise. However, attorneys that 340B Report conferred with believe the court will be

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