Appeals Court Raises Procedural Questions About Lilly’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Case

A federal appeals court is questioning whether a lower court's ruling in Lilly's 340B contract pharmacy suit is "ready for appellate review."

Drug manufacturer Lilly’s appeal of a federal district judge’s ruling late last month in the company’s 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit has hit a procedural snag.

In an unsigned pair of orders on Tuesday, the federal appeals court in Chicago questioned

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GOP Congressman Slams PBMs for Taking Away Safety Net Providers’ 340B Savings

Rep. Jake La Turner (R-Kan.) said yesterday he is concerned about PBMs "pickpocketing" health centers and other safety net providers' 340B savings.

A Kansas Republican congressman said on Capitol Hill yesterday that pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) are taking away health centers and other safety net providers’ 340B savings and driving up their costs.

340B health centers and other providers “are reporting that

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HIV Care Providers Sound Alarm About Threats to 340B Savings

HIV care professionals are raising an alarm about threats to 340B savings and their consequences for patient care.

HIV care professionals are warning the public that threats to 340B drug discount savings “will compromise access to affordable care, treatment, and prevention services for underserved people with and at risk for HIV.”

The American Academy of HIV Medicine, the

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For the First Time Since Pandemic, Some 340B Providers Are Being Audited in Person

HRSA has reconfirmed that it is auditing 340B covered entities for program compliance both remotely and in-person this fiscal year.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has reconfirmed that it is auditing 340B covered entities for program compliance both remotely and in-person this fiscal year.

HRSA told 340B Report in mid-September that in October it would resume

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CMS Delays Implementing Rule Allowing Multiple Best Prices for Drugs Until Next July

340B provider groups strongly criticized the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ draft guidance for Medicare drug price negotiations.

The Biden administration said yesterday it is delaying by six months the effective date of a Trump administration final rule to let drug manufacturers report multiple best prices on their products if states opt to participate in value-based purchasing (VBP)

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As Contract Pharmacy Losses Climb into the Billions, Fine for Overcharging 340B Providers Gets Closer to $6,000 Per Instance Mark

HHS OIG has raised the civil monetary penalty for overcharging a 340B covered entity to adjust for inflation.

The federal fine for overcharging a 340B covered entity just went up from $5,883.00 to $5,953.00 per each instance of overcharging.

The U.S. Health and Human Services Department (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) posted its annual inflation adjustments to

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AstraZeneca and Feds Keep Sparring over 340B While Waiting for Judge to Rule

AstraZeneca and the federal government are awaiting the federal district court in Delaware's decision in the company’s 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit.

Drug manufacturer’s AstraZeneca and the federal government continue to joust in court as they await a crucial decision in the company’s 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit.

The two sides on Friday filed a joint status report in Astra’s lawsuit to

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Insulin and Diabetes Drug Makers Ask Judge to Dismiss 340B-Related Antitrust Charges

Insulin and diabetes drug manufacturers want a federal district judge to dismiss 340B-related antitrust changes against them.

U.S. manufacturers of insulin and diabetes-related treatments asked a federal judge on Friday to dismiss two health centers’ antitrust class action over the companies’ denials of 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies.

In a Nov. 11 joint

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AHA Criticizes JAMA Study of What Hospitals Charge for Clinician-Administered Drugs

The AHA says a JAMA study on what hospitals charge insurers for clinician-administered drugs lacks context.

The American Hospital Association (AHA) has pushed back on a JAMA Internal Medicine study suggesting that leading acute care facilities that are 340B covered entities have wide variations in how much they charge insurers for clinician-administered drugs.

That study,

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Kaiser Health News Story on 340B Likely to be Read and Seen Widely

Kaiser Health News and InvestigateTV released an in-depth news article and news segment today about the 340B program and the fight over 340B contract pharmacy.

Kaiser Health News (KHN), a nonprofit health care news organization whose stories are widely and freely republished and rebroadcast, released an in-depth article and news video today about the 340B program and the fight over 340B contract pharmacy.

According to

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