HIV/AIDS Advocates Protest in Front of Gilead HQ Against Company’s New 340B Contract Pharmacy Policy

advocates march with Stop Being Greedy signs
AHF held a demonstration in front of Gilead's headquarters protesting the company’s new conditions on 340B contract pharmacy pricing on its branded hepatitis C treatments.

UPDATE Thursday, March 24, 2022, 2:10 p.m.A Gilead spokesperson disputed AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s statement that, under Gilead’s new conditions on 340B contract pharmacy pricing on its branded hepatitis C treatments, the company will give 340B discounts to covered entities only

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Becker’s Hospital Review Webinar: How Health Systems Are Driving Growth Through Specialty Pharmacy Services


As health systems face rising costs, staffing shortages, and ongoing 340B contract pharmacy restrictions, leaders face the difficult task of how to balance solving acute financial challenges with investing in initiatives to further their organization’s long-term growth and strategic goals.

One solution that meets both needs:

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BMS Providing 340B Refunds on Cancer Drug Opdivo

Bristol Myers Squibb outdoor sign
BMS is providing credits for 340B overcharges during Q3 2021 on one new NDC of its cancer drug Opdivo.

Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) is providing 340B covered entities wholesaler credits for overcharges during Q3 2021 on one new NDC of its flagship cancer drug Opdivo.

BMS posted the refund notice on the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration

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California 340B Health Centers Say State “Essentially Admits” Flaws in Medicaid Drug Reimbursement Change

Sherman Heights Family Health Center building
California health centers want a federal court to stop a state Medicaid policy that deprives them of millions of dollars in 340B drug reimbursement.

California health centers told a federal judge last week that the state’s arguments for dismissing the centers’ lawsuit to reverse a new state Medicaid policy that deprives them of millions of dollars in 340B drug reimbursement lack merit.

Community Health

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Could J&J’s Decision to Limit 340B Contract Pharmacy Spur Congress to Act?

Johnson & Johnson exterior building sign
Could Johnson & Johnson's conditions on 340B drug sales to hospitals involving contract pharmacy be the thunderclap that rouses Congress?

Yesterday, we broke the news that Johnson & Johnson announced conditions on 340B drug sales to hospitals on a host of pharmacy inventory staples including immunosuppressants, monoclonal antibodies, blood thinners, and treatments for diabetes, cancer, HIV, mental disorders, pulmonary

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Influential Group that Offers Conservative Model Bills to State Lawmakers Wades into 340B Debate

ALEC wordmark
Requiring drug manufacturers “to sell to contract pharmacies at the 340B discount is price-fixing,” the American Legislative Exchange Council says.

Requiring drug manufacturers “to sell to contract pharmacies at the 340B discount is price-fixing,” an influential source of model bills for conservative state lawmakers says in a new post on its website.

“Legislators understandably worry about the cost of prescription

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Nebraska Governor Signs 340B Anti-Discrimination Bill

Gov. Pete Ricketts signing legislation
Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts (R) signed legislation to protect 340B covered entities and their contract pharmacies from discrimination by PBMs.

Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts (R) signed legislation last week to protect 340B covered entities and their contract pharmacies from discrimination by pharmacy benefit managers.

Legislative Bill 767 makes Nebraska the third known state to take such action this year.

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News Alert

Johnson & Johnson Becomes the 16th Drug Manufacturer to Restrict 340B Contract Pharmacy

Johnson & Johnson building-mounted sign
J&J will offer refunds to 340B providers related to the purchases of four of its drugs, including top-selling Stelara.

Drug manufacturer Johnson & Johnson this afternoon announced conditions on 340B sales on 29 products—including several of its top-selling drugs—when hospitals use contract pharmacies. Grantees are exempt from the requirements, which take effect May 2.

J&J’s mid-day notice to customers

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News Alert

Exclusive: Leading Health Center Organization Calls Gilead’s New 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions “Unconscionable”

prescription bottle of Vosevi and pill
NACHC called Gilead's 340B pricing conditions on Vosevi and three of its other hepatitis C drugs "the latest example of corporate greed from a pharmaceutical company."

The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) told drug manufacturer Gilead this morning its new conditions on 340B contract pharmacy pricing on its branded hepatitis C treatments are “unconscionable,” “appalling,” “wrongheaded,” and “the latest example of corporate greed from

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News Alert

HRSA Starts Contacting Hospitals Forced Out of 340B During Pandemic About Possible Reinstatement

Dept. of Health and Human Services exterior sign and building
HRSA began contacting hospitals today about possible reinstatement in 340B if their termination was due to their DSH adjustment percentage falling as a result of the hospital's COVID-19 response.

UPDATE Friday, March 18, 2022, 1:30 p.m. EDT—The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) told 340B Report shortly after this story was published, “To be eligible, [a] hospital’s termination must have been as a result of actions taken by

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