U.S. House Approves Partial Relief for Hospitals Forced Out of 340B Due to COVID-19

U.S. House chamber in session
The U.S. House last night passed a spending bill with language to aid hospitals forced out of 340B due to patient mix changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The U.S. House last night passed a $1.5 trillion omnibus appropriations bill with language to help hospitals whose admission patterns have been so disrupted by COVID-19 that their Medicare disproportionate share (DSH) adjustment percentages have fallen below the levels needed

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Novo Nordisk and Sanofi Make Their Cases to Federal Appeals Court in 340B Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit

interior of U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals courtroom
Novo Nordisk and Sanofi this week filed briefs with the federal circuit court based in Philadelphia in their appeals of a lower court's rulings in their 340B contract pharmacy lawsuits.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers Novo Nordisk and Sanofi on Tuesday laid out their cases for the next phase of the legal battle over their conditions on 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies. The cases are before the U.S. Court of

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Learn How to Sustainably Scale Your 340B Program


It’s a head-spinning Catch-22: Covered entities have never been more crucial to the well-being of community health—or more challenged to sustain their very existence. They’re dedicated to serving the most vulnerable patient communities in the United States, but constantly find themselves up against threats to the 340B program.

And yet,

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AbbVie Adds its Top-Selling Cancer Drug Imbruvica to its 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions

prescription drug Imbruvica box, bottle and pill
AbbVie added its best-selling cancer medicine Imbruvica to its restrictions on 340B pricing when hospitals use contract pharmacies. The company jointly developed and markets Imbruvica with J&J's Janssen.

Drug manufacturer AbbVie had added its best-selling cancer medicine Imbruvica to its restrictions on 340B pricing when hospitals use contract pharmacies, effective April 1.

AbbVie contractor 340B ESP posted a policy update from AbbVie on its website on March 1.

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News Alert

Congress Is Close to Passing a Spending Bill that Likely Will Address Hospitals’ Loss of 340B Eligibility During Pandemic

A COVID-19 patient in an ambulance with two emergency technicians
Congress as soon as Friday could pass legislation addressing hospitals’ loss of eligibility for 340B drug discounts due to COVID-19-related changes in payer mix.

Legislation addressing hospitals’ loss of eligibility for 340B drug discounts due to COVID-19-related changes in payer mix could reach President Biden before Friday at midnight. The language would not be as beneficial to such hospitals as standalone bipartisan bills in

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Non-Hospital 340B Entities Form Group to Fight on Their Own Behalf at National and State Levels

340B Grantees wordmark
The new non-hospital 340B covered entity group 340B Grantees says its work will include outreach, education, lobbying, and litigation.

Non-hospital 340B covered entities have formed a group called 340B Grantees to fight on their own behalf on legislation, in courts, and perhaps in politics at the federal and state levels.

340B Grantees hasn’t formally announced itself yet and is

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340B Report Publisher and CEO: Time for Congress to Pass 340B Contract Pharmacy Legislation

exterior of the U.S. Capitol building
Time is running out for Congress to pass a bill clarifying that that contract pharmacies are integral to the 340B program, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky writes in his latest column for Omnicell’s blog.

It is time for Congress to make it crystal clear that contract pharmacies are integral to the 340B program, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky writes in his latest column for Omnicell’s blog.

Federal courts have struck down federal

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AHA Asks Becerra Again to Waive DSH Percentage Eligibility Requirement for 340B Hospitals During Pandemic

American Hospital Association seal on office wall
The American Hospital Association wants HHS to waive a requirement that it says is forcing hospitals out of the 340B program due to COVID-19-related changes in payer mix.

The American Hospital Association has asked U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra again to waive a requirement that it says is forcing hospitals out of the 340B program due to COVID-19-related changes in payer mix.

AHA President and

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340B ADR Panel Wants to Know if Court Decision Affects HIV Advocacy Group’s Claims Against AstraZeneca and Sanofi

U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services exterior sign and building
A 340B ADR panel wants to know if a judge's recent ruling in AstraZeneca's 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit has any affect on RWC-340B's dispute resolution petition against Astra and Sanofi.

Drug manufacturer AstraZeneca and two health centers aligned with Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access (RWC-340B) briefed a 340B administrative dispute resolution (ADR) panel last week on whether a recent federal court ruling has implications for the health centers’ 340B

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As 340B Providers Grapple with High Cost Diabetes Medicine, Civica Plans to Make and Distribute Generic Insulins Priced as Low as $30

screenshot of a Civica press release about insulin cost
Civica says the first in its line of low-cost insulins could be available for purchase as soon as early 2024.

Nonprofit drug manufacturer Civica announced this morning that it plans to manufacture and distribute insulins that, once approved, will be available to people with diabetes at no more than $30 per vial and no more than $55 for a box

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