48 Hospitals Seek Readmission to 340B After Losing Eligibility Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

health care workers in hazmat suits with COVID-19 patient
Forty eight hospitals that lost their eligibility for 340B drug discounts for reasons related to the COVID-19 pandemic are seeking reinstatement to the 340B program.

At least 48 hospitals lost their eligibility for 340B drug discounts for reasons related to the COVID-19 pandemic and are seeking reinstatement to the 340B program, the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) said this week.

April 14

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340B Hospitals’ Pharmacies and Child Sites Often Located in Richer, Less Diverse Areas, Study Finds

bottles of drugs on pharmacy shelves
Avalere Health says it found that 340B DSH hospitals’ contract pharmacies and child sites often are in richer and less diverse places where more residents have health insurance compared with the hospitals’ own locations.

340B disproportionate share (DSH) hospitals’ contract pharmacies and child sites often are in richer and less diverse places where more residents have health insurance compared with the hospitals’ own locations, according to a new study.

Healthcare consulting firm Avalere Health

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JAMA Study Finds Prominent Cancer Centers With 340B Connections Mark Up Infused Drugs Significantly

New research in JAMA Internal Medicine says many NCI-designated cancer centers—most of which are affiliated with 340B hospitals—mark up the price of infused cancer therapies for patients with private insurance “substantially." 340B groups point out that the rates are negotiated and they need the revenue for their safety net mission.

Many National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated cancer centers—most of which are affiliated with 340B hospitals—mark up the price of infused cancer therapies for patients with private insurance “substantially,” according to new research in JAMA Internal Medicine. Hospital groups have pointed

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Apexus Releases Its Annual 340B Trends and Hot Topics Learning Module


With so many competing priorities dominating each workday, it can feel overwhelming to keep track of the latest developments that affect the 340B Program. For 340B stakeholders responsible for maintaining compliance, operating a strong program, and maximizing their resources in this complex and

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Harvard Drug Policy Experts Write in JAMA About How Congress Could Fix 340B Contract Pharmacy Mess

screenshot of 340B drug pricing program article in JAMA
"Contract pharmacy restrictions are the latest problem with implementation of the 340B program that threaten to undermine its laudable goals," three Harvard drug policy experts say in an opinion article in JAMA.

A nationally prominent drug policy expert and two colleagues at Harvard Medical School have written in JAMA how Congress could end the fight over 340B contract pharmacy and enhance 340B program integrity.

“First, Congress could explicitly allow the participation of

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At Direction of U.S. Appeals Court, Judge Issues Amended Judgement in Lilly’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Case

Senior District Court Judge Sarah Evans Barker
It is unknown whether U.S. Senior District Judge Sarah Evans Barker’s amended partial final judgement in Lilly's 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit will satisfy a higher court that kicked the case back to her.

A federal district judge in Indianapolis last week responded to a higher court’s directive and entered an amended partial final judgement in drug manufacturer Lilly’s 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit. It is not clear whether the judge did enough to satisfy

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AHF Provides Stigma-Free Care with Thrift Store Chain

Asha Doucet headshot on light blue background


The AIDS Healthcare Foundation thrift store division, Out of the Closet, presents a fun, stigma-free opportunity to link people to care. Every Out of the Closet thrift store benefits AHF’s life-saving programs around the world because 96 cents of every dollar

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Sanofi Makes Two Big Changes to its 340B Contract Pharmacy Policy

Sanofi outdoor building sign
Changes to Sanofi's 340B drug pricing conditions may eliminate 340B discounts for health centers using multiple contract pharmacies within a chain.

Drug manufacturer Sanofi has made two major changes to its conditions on 340B pricing when health centers and certain hospitals and use contract pharmacies, a company spokesperson confirms. One is raising flags among 340B providers and the other appears to

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BMS Fleshes Out How It Will Use Claims Data for 340B Myeloma Drug Purchases

Bristol Myers Squibb exterior sign
BMS has released its terms of use for the claims data providers must give it in exchange for access to 340B pricing on Revlimid, Pomalyst, and Thalomid.

Bristol Myers Squibb has disclosed its terms of use for the drug claims data that providers must give it in exchange for access to 340B pricing on BMS’s oral oncology drugs Revlimid, Pomalyst, and Thalomid.

BMS acquired the three drugs

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How Sentry Is Helping Covered Entities Contend With Contract Pharmacy Exclusions


With more and more drug manufacturers excluding their products from 340B contract pharmacies, covered entities are asking two questions: When does this end? And what should we do about it? At Sentry, we’re asking ourselves, how can we best support our customers in these

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