Top 20 Moments in 340B’s History

graphic image of Top 20 with gold laurel leaves and sparkles
To mark 340B's 30th anniversary, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky devoted his latest column for Omnicell to the top 20 moments in the program's history.

Friday is the 340B program’s 30th anniversary. To mark this milestone, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky devotes his latest column for Omnicell to a remembrance of 20 key moments “that have had the greatest impact on this very

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Alex Hennum, Vice President/General Manager, Macro Helix

Alex Hennum headshot
Alex Hennum
Q: Where did you grow up?

I grew up in several different countries, including Denmark, England, Norway, and the U.S.

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Breaking News

CMS Says It Will Announce Sometime Next Year How it Will Repay 340B Hospitals for Five Years of Illegal Drug Reimbursement Cuts

CMS building
CMS said late this afternoon it will put off until next year its decision on how it will comply with a U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down five years of drug reimbursement cuts for 340B hospitals.

The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said late this afternoon that it will address how it will remedy five years of illegal Medicare Part B underpayments to hospitals for 340B purchased drugs “in future rulemaking,” rather than in

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HRSA for Now Will Not Seek More Info from 340B Providers About Ownership of Onsite Pharmacies

Screenshot of HRSA search result for Shipping address
HRSA for now has set aside a proposed change to its 340B program forms that RWC-340B warned might lead to covered entities losing access to 340B pricing under some drug manufacturers’ contract pharmacy restrictions.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, for now at least, is setting aside a proposed change to 340B program forms that a provider group warned might lead to covered entities losing access to 340B pricing under some drug manufacturers’

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Feds and S.C. Health Center Spar Over Center’s Access to Government Info in its 340B Patient Definition Case

Genesis Health Care building and signage
Genesis Health Care's proposed 340B patient definition would remove all limits on dispensing 340B drugs, HHS and HRSA told a federal district judge.

A South Carolina health center and the federal government are sparring over whether the center should have access to more information from the government than it already possesses in its fight to clarify the 340B patient definition.

Oct. 26 court

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HHS Official Under Trump Calls for “Honest Conversation” About 340B at it Reaches Age 30

John O'Brien headshot
John O'Brien, architect of ex-President Trump's drug pricing blueprint, calls for more 340B transparency in a commentary for STAT.

Getting 340B pharmacy data to study trends and public health impacts “is like trying to catch a will-o’-the-wisp,” a former senior Trump administration health care official said in a commentary last week in the life sciences news publication STAT.


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