340B Report Publisher and CEO Slafsky: Expect More Attention to 340B in New Congress

U.S. Capitol building East elevation
Be prepared for a lot more attention on the 340B program in the upcoming Congress, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky predicts.

Be prepared for a lot more attention on the 340B program in the upcoming Congress, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky says in his latest column for medication management solutions company Omnicell.

340B was a hot topic in Congress

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Novo Nordisk Announces Third Round of 340B Refunds This Year

Novo Nordisk wordmark on building facade
Novo Nordisk for the third time this year has announced refunds for 340B overcharges due to revisions of Medicaid pricing data.

Drug manufacturer Novo Nordisk for the third time this year has announced refunds for 340B overcharges due to revisions of Medicaid pricing data.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration posted the company’s notice to covered entities on its website

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Provider of HIV/AIDS Care Refiles Suit Against 340B Prime Vendor

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) last week refiled its lawsuit against federally contracted 340B prime vendor Apexus

California-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) last week refiled its lawsuit against Delaware-based federally contracted 340B prime vendor Apexus, setting forth facts that AHF argued gives a federal district court in California jurisdiction over the case.

AHF, based in Los Angeles,

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Senior U.S. House Democrat and Republican Say They’re Hopeful Congress Will Act on 340B; Hearings Expected in New Congress

Rep. Robin Kelly (D-IL) and Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY) headshots
U.S. Reps. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.) and Brett Guthrie (R-Ky.) each said during an event yesterday they were hopeful Congress would act on 340B—Kelly regarding covered entities' concerns and Guthrie regarding those of payers and manufacturers.

The Democratic vice chair of the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee said during a media event yesterday she hopes Congress will address healthcare providers’ concerns about the 340B program during its lame duck session scheduled to end Dec. 15.

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Lilly for the Fifth Time This Year Announces Refunds for 340B Overcharges

Lilly corporate center signage
Lilly for the fifth time this year has announced refunds for overcharges on 340B-acquired drugs.

Drug manufacturer Eli Lilly for the fifth time this year has announced refunds for overcharges on 340B-acquired drugs. The latest round is for purchases during the first quarter of 2020.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration posted Lilly’s

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Extent of 340B’s Impact on Overall Drug Prices Unclear Due to Lack of Data, Study Finds

Image of 340B program study table of contents by Leavitt Partners
Lack of data makes it hard to assess 340B's impact on drug company launch prices and covered entities' uses of 340B savings, researchers at consulting firm Leavitt Partners say.

Lack of data makes it hard to assess the 340B program’s overall impact on drug prices charged by pharmaceutical companies and covered entities, a new study by healthcare consulting and lobbying firm Leavitt Partners concludes.

“We found compelling evidence that

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Novo Nordisk Updates 340B Contract Pharmacy Policy, Will Allow Claims Submission to 340B ESP

Novo Nordisk signage and building
Novo Nordisk has decided to let 340B hospitals buy its drugs at a reduced 340B price for shipment to an unlimited number of contract pharmacies if the hospitals submit their claims data to 340B ESP.

Novo Nordisk on Jan.1 will implement a policy to let 340B hospitals buy its drugs at a reduced 340B price for shipment to an unlimited number of contract pharmacies if the hospitals submit their claims data for such drugs to

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Hospital and Pharmacy Groups Launch Second Pro-340B Ad Campaign This Year

340B 30th anniversary hospital ad
An ad campaign by 340B hospital and pharmacy groups targets federal policymakers with messages touting the program's good deeds.

340B hospital and pharmacy groups have launched another digital ad campaign touting the 340B program’s benefits to policymakers. It comes amid a rise in negative messages about 340B from the drug industry and conservative think tanks and the publication of

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Webinar: 340B Judicial, Legislative and Regulatory Developments


Join Verity Solutions for our next Lunch & Learn webinar session on Thursday, December 15 at 1:30PM ET as we welcome 340B Report Editor in Chief Tom Mirga for a discussion about new and ongoing 340B developments on the judicial, legislative, and regulatory

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RWC-340B Assessing Dispute Resolution Proposed Rule’s Impact on Its Lawsuit and Current Dispute Resolution Petition

Ryan White Clinics-340B wordmark
RWC-340B is assessing how HRSA's proposed new 340B dispute resolution process would affect the group's ongoing dispute with AstraZeneca and ongoing lawsuit against HRSA and HHS.

Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access told a federal district judge last week it needs time to assess how proposed new 340B administrative dispute resolution regulations, if finalized, could affect the 340B overcharging claims it brought against AstraZeneca under the

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