The Day After: Stakeholders Take Stock of Third Circuit Court’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Opinion

United States Third Circuit Court building entrance
Drug makers "need not help [covered entities] maximize their 340B profits," a federal appeals court in Philadelphia said yesterday in holding that three manufacturers' restrictions on delivery to contract pharmacies do not violate the 340B statute.

Covered entities may still use the 340B program under drug manufacturers’ conditions on the use of contract pharmacies, and while they “cannot squeeze as much revenue out of it as they once could, drug makers need not help them maximize

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Virginia House Subcommittee Defeats 340B Hospital Accountability Bill; Rev. Al Sharpton Says Program Direly Needs More Oversight

Screenshot of Virginia state legislature public testimony
Bon Secours Health System Vice President Rhodes Ritenour testified against proposed Virginia state legislation to require more accountability from 340B hospitals about how they use 340B program revenues. State House Del. Kathy Tran, the bill's sponsor, is seated behind him.

A Virginia House subcommittee last week voted 3-2 against a Democrat’s bill to require more accountability from 340B hospitals about how they use 340B program revenues.

In a reversal of their parties’ normal stances on 340B nationally, Democrats voted for

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In Wake of 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions, Biosimilars Deserve Consideration


Recent surveys confirm what those of you reading this know painfully well: Hospital and clinic pharmacies are struggling from the restrictions drug manufacturers are placing on 340B pricing at contract pharmacy sites. As the 340B world awaits another batch of court rulings

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Mississippi Reintroduces Bill to Ban Drug Makers’ 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions

State of Mississippi capitol building
Mississippi legislators have reintroduced legislation to stop drug companies from denying 340B covered entities access to the manufacturers’ products if the entity uses contract pharmacies.

Mississippi legislators have reintroduced legislation to stop drug manufactures from denying 340B covered entities access to the manufacturers’ products if the entity uses contract pharmacies.

Mississippi joins Missouri in making a second attempt to pass legislation modeled after the

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Eshoo and Castor Will Be Top Democrats on House E&C Subcommittees Involved in 340B

U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) pictured at House Energy & Commerce committee meeting
U.S. House Energy & Commerce health subcommittee ranking Democrat Anna Eshoo (Calif.) spoke this morning during the full committee's initial organization meeting of the 118th Congress.

U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee Democrats have announced their leaders and members of two subcommittees expected to act on 340B matters this session.

Republicans announced the subcommittees’ chairs and GOP members last week. The Republicans have a narrow

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340B Report Publisher and CEO Slafsky: Three 340B Observations for 2023

U.S. Capitol with U.S flag
Expect the 340B program to be get signficant attention at the federal and state level this year, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky says.

In his inaugural column for Verity Solutions, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky offers insights “on what to expect in Washington, D.C., and the states in 2023 when it comes to the 340B program.”

Slafsky in the column makes

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Breaking News

Third Circuit Court Rules for Drugmakers in 340B Contract Pharmacy Cases

Interior of Third Circuit Court courtroom
A federal appeals court ruled today that the 340B statute does not compel drug manufacturers to deliver 340B-purchased drugs "wherever and to whomever a buyer demands."

A federal appeals court in Philadelphia ruled 3-0 this morning that “Congress never said that drug makers must deliver discounted Section 340B drugs to an unlimited number of contract pharmacies.”

“By trying to enforce that supposed requirement, the government overstepped

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New York Times 340B Hospital Exposé Leads to a Vote Later Today in a Virginia House Subcommittee

Kathy Tran headshot
Virginia Del. Kathy Tran (D) says her bill to to require more accountability from 340B hospitals was prompted by The New York Times' investigation of alleged 340B program misuse detrimental to a Richmond hospital in a predominantly Black neighborhood.

A Virginia House subcommittee is voting later today on a Democrat’s bill to require more accountability from 340B hospitals—a direct consequence of The New York Times’ exposé about alleged 340B program misuse involving a Richmond, Va., hospital.

The scheduled vote

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Missouri Lawmakers Try Again to Stop Drug Companies’ 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions

Missouri State Capitol building
Missouri lawmakers have reintroduced legislation to prohibit drug manufactures from denying 340B covered entities access to manufacturers’ products if the covered entity uses contract pharmacies.

Missouri lawmakers have reintroduced legislation to prohibit drug manufactures from denying 340B covered entities access to manufacturers’ products if the covered entity uses contract pharmacies. The language is modeled on the first-of-its kind law passed in Arkansas in 2021.


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Staffing Success for a 340B Pharmacy

Sandie Shafer, Senior Talent Advisor, Pharmacy Operations, Maxor National Pharmacy Services featured image
Sandie Shafer, Senior Talent Advisor, Pharmacy Operations, Maxor National Pharmacy Services


The healthcare industry is grappling with a severe staffing shortage, and pharmacies are no exception. More than three-quarters of community pharmacists are struggling to fill open positions, and nearly 90% say finding pharmacy technicians is their top staffing problem, according to

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