Adverse Appellate Rulings in Contract Pharmacy Cases Could Be “Truly Catastrophic,” 340B Health’s Testoni Says

Maureen Testoni
It could be “truly catastrophic” if two federal appeals courts rule as a third already has that drug makers do not have to deliver 340B drugs to multiple contract pharmacies, 340B Health President and CEO Maureen Testoni said at the 340B Coalition summer conference.
It could be “truly catastrophic” if two federal appeals courts rule as a third did in January that drug manufacturers [...]

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Providers Celebrate 340B Medicare Drug Payment Fix, Object to How It’s Funded

Federal Register
CMS today formally published in the Federal Register its proposed remedy for illegal Medicare Part B drug payments cuts for many 340B hospitals from 2018 through 2022.
Provider groups widely celebrated the Medicare proposal to provide a $9 billion lump sum payment to reimburse 340B hospitals for [...]

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Ease 340B Requirements for Generic Drugs to Ease Shortages, Trade Group Tells Congressional Committee Chairs

Congress should ease 340B requirements for generic drugs to help stem shortages, the trade group for makers of the drugs said in a July 7 white paper.
Low-cost generic drugs should get an exemption from the 340B drug pricing program to help reduce drug shortages, the U.S. [...]

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As Congress Weighs 340B Changes, Leading HIV/AIDS Group Urges it to Support the Program

Washington Examiner
Washington Examiner, a conservative news outlet, published an op-ed by AHF President Michael Weinstein urging Congress to protect 340B from the drug industry.
A leading not-for-profit HIV and AIDS treatment organization amplified its 340B advocacy recently with an op-ed in a Washington, D.C., [...]

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Matthew Krah, Senior Solutions Engagement Director, Verity Solutions

Matthew Krah, Verity Solutions
Matt Krah

Q: Where did you grow up?

Scranton, PA – home of The Office

Q: Where did you go to college/graduate school?

King’s College; BS Neuroscience and MS Healthcare Administration

Q: What are your favorites?

Food: Veal Parm

Movie: Goodfellas

Musicians: I have an eclectic iTunes – anything from oldies, to rap and country.

Destination: Estes Park, CO

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Breaking News

CMS Proposes $9 Billion in Lump Sum Payments to Reimburse Hospitals for Past 340B Part B Drug Payment Cuts

CMS proposed rule
CMS late this afternoon proposed how it will repay 340B hospitals for $10.5 billion in illegal Medicare Part B drug payment cuts.
The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services plans to provide lump sum Medicare Part B drug payments to 340B [...]

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White House Clears CMS to Issue Proposed Fix for 340B Hospital Part B Drug Payment Cuts

OMB clearance of CMS Part B remedy proposal
The White House Office of Management and Budget yesterday cleared CMS to issue its proposed remedy for five year's worth of Medicare Part B drug payment cuts for 340B hospitals.
The White House yesterday gave the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services the go-ahead to publish its proposed remedy [...]

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Studies Reach Different Conclusions About Whether Vulnerable Patients Benefit from 340B Savings

340B patient assistance program study
Passing 340B drug discounts to patients with COPD so they can buy inhalers at a much lower cost yielded positive outcomes both for the patients and the hospitals that serve them, new research shows.
Two new studies—one by pharmacists at Ascension Via Christi health system in Kansas, the other by drug industry consulting and [...]

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Is Your Technology a Triple Threat That Boosts Your Mission?


When people consider technology’s role in adapting to pandemic-constrained life, many begrudgingly think about endless hours spent on videoconferences. Yet, pandemic-infused technological innovations also altered our lives in other ways, big and small. For instance, I’ll never go back to

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340B Prime Vendor Apexus and AIDS Healthcare Foundation Are Trying to Settle Lawsuit Over Sub-Ceiling Price Discounts

AIDS Healthcare Foundation and Apexus
AHF has asked a federal appeals court to reverse an earlier court's decision to dismiss a case against Apexus over its provision of 340B sub-ceiling price discounts on drugs.
Apexus, the federally contracted 340B prime vendor, and AIDS Healthcare Foundation are meeting with a mediator to try to settle [...]

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