Hospitals Spend More on Cancer Drugs for Insured Patients After Enrolling in 340B, JAMA Study Finds

New research in JAMA says hospitals that joined 340B after its expansion in 2010 treated more commercially insured cancer patients with five commonly used biopharmaceuticals and and spent more on the drugs. Hospital groups criticized the study.

Hospitals that enrolled in the 340B program after its expansion in 2010 treated more commercially insured cancer patients with five commonly prescribed biologic oncology drugs and spent more on the drugs, a new JAMA study found.

The authors of

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California Senate Passes PBM 340B Nondiscrimination Bill

California state capitol
The California Senate unanimous passed a bill to stop PBMs from discriminating against 340B covered entities and their pharmacies.

The California Senate has unanimously passed a bill to stop pharmacy benefit managers from discriminating against 340B covered entities and their pharmacies.

The Senate voted 35-0 on May 22 to pass SB-786, sponsored by Sen. Anthony Portantino (D). A

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340B Report Publisher and CEO: What Two State Legislative Sessions Tell Us About the State of 340B Policy

Red state blue state
What do the outcomes of 340B policy debates in a red state and a blue state mean for 340B stakeholders? 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky provides important analysis in his new column for Verity Solutions.

What do the outcomes of 340B policy debates in two state legislatures on opposite ends of the political spectrum mean for 340B stakeholders? 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky gives the most important takeaways in his latest column for

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News Alert

Boehringer Ingelheim Extends 340B Contract Pharmacy Conditions to All Covered Entities

Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim today stiffened its conditions on 340B pricing involving deliveries to contract pharmacies and extended them to all types of covered entities.

Drug manufacturer Boehringer Ingelheim announced this morning that, starting Aug. 1, all covered entity types will be subject to its conditions on 340B pricing when entities use contract pharmacies to dispense BI products. Until now, its conditions have applied to

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Health Center Invokes 340B Contract Pharmacy Ruling in Key 340B Patient Definition Federal Lawsuit

Genesis Health Care
South Carolina health center Genesis Health Care told a federal court that HRSA lacks authority to enforce its 1996 340B patient definition and misinterpreted congressional intent about who is a 340B eligible patient.

Federal health care officials can’t make a South Carolina health center obey their reading of the 340B patient definition for the same reason a federal appeals court said in January that the officials can’t force drug manufacturers to deliver 340B

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Minnesota Imposes Nation’s First 340B Covered Entity Reporting Requirements

Tim Walz
Minnesota became the first state to impose 340B reporting requirements after Gov. Tim Walz (D) signed legislation in late May.

Minnesota health care providers were shocked to learn that a bill signed into law in late May made their state the first to require all 340B covered entities to report their total 340B drug acquisition costs and payments.

The first

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State Roundup: Lots of 340B Action as Many Legislatures Conclude Sessions

John Bel Edwards
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) signed a bill making his state the second to stop drug manufacturer interference with 340B contract pharmacy arrangements.

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) has signed legislation making his state just the second with a law addressing manufacturer conditions on deliveries of 340B-acquired drugs to contract pharmacies.

Arkansas’s Act 1103, passed in August 2021, was the first. A

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PhRMA and Bristol Myers Squibb Sue Separately To Stop Medicare Drug Price Negotiation

US District Court Austin, Texas
PhRMA filed suit in federal district court in Austin, Texas, to strike down legislation letting Medicare negotiate some drug prices.

Drug industry trade group Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and drug manufacturer Bristol Myers Squibb have filed separate federal lawsuits to stop Medicare from negotiating the prices of some drugs, charging that it would impose unconstitutional price controls on

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Expert Tip From Cloudmed


TIP: To ensure you’re not leaving any 340B dollars behind, assess your ineligible claims to understand if claims are being missed.

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U.S. Senate “Group of Six” Elaborates on Why it Wants 340B Stakeholder Input

John Thune
"It is critical that the 340B program continues to serve its original purpose of supporting health care providers as they serve the needs of South Dakota patients and communities," Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) said about his and five fellow senators' request for public input on how to improve 340B.

The six U.S. senators who asked Friday morning for ideas on ways to improve the 340B program elaborated on their reasons why in a news release that afternoon.

Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.), Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Tammy

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