Arkansas 340B Contract Pharmacy Law Trespasses on Federal “Closed System,” PhRMA Tells Court

PhRMA v. McClain
Arkansas' 340B contract pharmacy law has no place in the federal 340B “closed system,” PhRMA told a federal appeals court.

Arkansas’ 340B contract pharmacy law, for now the only state law of its kind, has no place in the federal 340B “closed system,” Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) recently told a federal appeals court.

“340B is a closed

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340B Report Publisher and CEO: Is a Contract Pharmacy Breakthrough at Hand?

Hospital groups' decision to back federal 340B contract pharmacy legislation could be a long-awaited breakthrough, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky says.

Hospital groups’ decision to support letting Congress end the 340B contract pharmacy standoff could be the breakthrough the field has been waiting for, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky writes in his latest column for Verity Solutions.

“National hospital

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House GOP Rejects Democrats’ Push to Link 340B Transparency and Contract Pharmacy

E&C 340B
House E&C Democrat Scott Peters (Calif.) spoke in favor of, and fellow Democrat Debbie Dingell (Mich.) spoke against, a Republican bill to impose reporting requirements on 340B DSH hospitals.

Congressional GOP backers of federal reporting requirements for 340B hospitals yesterday rejected Democratic arguments that fairness dictates that those requirements be paired with 340B contract pharmacy requirements for drug manufacturers.

U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee Republicans, joined by just

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340B Grantees Need More Scrutiny as Drug Margins Rise, Gilead-funded Study Says

Gilead BGR study
340B contract pharmacy arrangements rose 252% for grantee covered entities between 2017 to 2022 compared to 194% for hospitals, a new drug company-funded study found.

Health centers and other federal grantees’ 340B savings and how they use them need more scrutiny, as these covered entities account for a large chunk of total 340B drug sales and their margins are keeping pace with those of hospitals,

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3 Tips for Navigating the Current 340B Environment


Many people have been losing sleep thinking about how they should move forward in the current 340B environment. Over the last 18 months, it has felt like an external force is around every corner, pushing or pulling covered entities into new areas of discomfort.

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340B Advocacy Group CV340B Plans March on Capitol Hill July 12

Community Voices for 340B (CV340B) on July 12 is holding its second annual Defend 340B March on Capitol Hill. The first was in August 2022.

340B grassroots group Community Voices for 340B (CV340B) has announced plans to hold its second annual Defend 340B March on Capitol Hill July 12.

A primary goal of the event is to raise awareness among lawmakers about 340B’s importance

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Maria Kossilos, Associate Chief Pharmacy Officer, Cambridge Health Alliance

Maria Kossilos

Q: Where did you complete your professional training?

I graduated with an Honours Bachelor’s of Science from York University in Toronto, Canada in 1997 and a Bachelor of Science

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Breaking News

House E&C Committee Passes Two Bills That Would Create 340B Entity Reporting Requirements

Energy & Commerce Committee
The House E&C Committee passed a bill to impose reporting requirements on 340B DSH hospitals and potentially other entities. The committee passed another bill that could expose all types of 340B covered entities to separate reporting requirements.

The House Energy & Commerce Committee passed two bills today to impose 340B program reporting requirements on hospitals and other health care providers.

They were among 19 health care, telecommunications, and energy bills that the committee marked up today.

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House E&C Committee to Vote Tomorrow on Bills That Would Bring Big Changes to 340B

House E&C Committee
The House E&C Committee tomorrow will markup two bills that 340B providers are watching very closely.

340B provider groups won some concessions on controversial Medicaid managed care drug billing language that the full U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee is marking up tomorrow, lobbyists say. Efforts to get more changes continue.

The committee announced late

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Health Centers’ Antitrust Case Over 340B Contract Pharmacy Limits Will be Argued July 20

Federal District Court Rochester
There will be a federal district court hearing July 20 in Rochester, N.Y., in two health centers' 340B-related antitrust suit against insulin and diabetes drug makers.

A once-dead lawsuit that accuses drug makers of colluding to deny 340B pricing on insulin and diabetes drugs shipped to contract pharmacies is going to be heard July 20 in federal district court in Rochester, N.Y.

Chief Judge Elizabeth Wolford

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