HHS OIG and HRSA Are Mum About 340B Manufacturer Civil Monetary Penalties and Violation Notices

screenshot of HRSA correspondence to stakeholders web page
HRSA and OIG have no comment on the status of drug manufacturer civil monetary penalties and violation letters stemming from denials of 340B pricing to covered entities that use contract pharmacies.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General said yesterday it has no comment on the status of referrals from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration to fine eight drug manufacturers for failing to offer

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New York State Allots $9 Million in Relief for RWCs Hurt by Medicaid Drug Benefit Transfer but No Funding So Far For Other 340B Entities

Mike Lee gesturing in a meeting
Mike Lee (center) of Evergreen Health says the unexplained inclusion of $9 million in supplemental aid for Ryan White clinics in New York state interim budget legislation "just shows the chaos" of New York's transfer of Medicaid managed care drug benefits to Medicaid fee for service.

The New York legislature on Monday passed a short-term state funding bill with $9 million in supplemental aid for Ryan White clinics that are losing 340B revenue due to the April 1 transfer of the state’s Medicaid managed care drug

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340B Policies and Procedures: The Keys to Compliant Savings

Minh Hoang headshot


For 340B covered entities (CEs), a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) audit is an inevitability. While you won’t be able to predict when HRSA comes calling, you can bank on sooner or later being one of the 200

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New Mexico Governor Signs Bill Protecting 340B Providers from PBM and Payer Discrimination

New Mexico state flag
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) has signed a law to prevent PBMs and insurers from discriminating against 340B providers.

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) signed a law April 7 to prevent pharmacy benefit managers and insurers from discriminating against 340B providers.  The bill includes language that prohibits payers from reimbursing 340B covered entities at a lower rate

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Calif. Contract Pharmacy Overbilled Medicaid for 340B Drugs, State Appeals Court Holds

PharmBlue specialty pharmacy wordmark
A California state appeals court affirmed a lower ruling that 340B contract pharmacy PharmBlue overbilled the state for 340B drugs it obtained from manufacturers on its clients' behalf.

A California state appeals court has affirmed a lower state court’s judgement that a 340B contract pharmacy overcharged the state Medicaid agency, Medi-Cal, nearly $2.5 million more than the pharmacy was entitled to receive for 340B drugs between May 2015

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Expert Tip From Ravin Consultants


TIP: When using outsourced telehealth services, be prepared to “Mind the Gap.”

Telehealth services are a great

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Arkansas and 340B Providers Ask Appeals Court to Back State’s Novel 340B Contract Pharmacy Law

Arkansas Act 1103 text excerpt.
The state of Arkansas and Arkansas 340B covered entities asked a federal appeals court yesterday to uphold the state's novel 340B anti-discrimination law.

The state of Arkansas and Arkansas 340B covered entities separately asked a federal appeals court yesterday to back a judge’s decision in December that the state’s novel 340B anti-discrimination law is not preempted by the 340B statute nor by the

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AHA Again Blasts PhRMA and NACHC’s Alliance to Remake 340B

screenshot of the AHA blog
The AHA slammed PhRMA and NACHC's 340B reform alliance again, this time in its blog and related talking points.

The American Hospital Association has again blasted the drug industry’s alliance with community health centers for 340B reform, calling it “another misguided attempt by drug companies to dismantle [340B] so that they can continue to pad their billion-dollar bottom lines.”

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340B Financial Health Check

Mike Phillips headshot


Leaders of hospitals, health centers and other 340B provider institutions are busy and don’t have time in their demanding days to be involved in the detailed, day-to-day financial oversight of their 340B programs. Yet, they also can’t afford to leave

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Senate HELP Panel Likely Leaving 340B Out of Bipartisan Drug Policy Bill That it’s Fast-Tracking

Senate HELP hearing room sign on wall
U.S. Senate HELP staff members reportedly are assembling bipartisan drug policy legislation for a vote maybe as soon as next week, but 340B is expected to be left out of the equation.

U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee staff members reportedly have decided to exclude 340B issues from a bipartisan drug policy bill they are writing behind the scenes in order to preserve the bill’s odds of being passed next

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