Arkansas 340B Contract Pharmacy Law “Trespassed on Exclusively Federal Turf,” PhRMA Tells Appeals Court

US Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals building
A decision upholding Arkansas' state contract pharmacy law from the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals could cause more states to push similar laws, attorneys and lobbyists said.

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America asked a U.S. appeals court in St. Louis, Mo. last week to strike down Arkansas’s first-of-its-kind 340B contract pharmacy law, arguing that it intrudes on the 340B statute and frustrates Congress’ intent to limit

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Judge Pauses PhRMA’s 340B Administrative Dispute Resolution Lawsuit

US District courthouse and signage in Baltimore, MD
A federal district judge in Baltimore has paused PhRMA's lawsuit challenging the current 340B program administrative dispute resolution process.

A federal district judge in Baltimore, Md., yesterday stayed the brand drug industry’s lawsuit challenging the December 2020 340B program administrative dispute resolution final rule.

Lawyers for Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary

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340B Report Publisher and CEO: Is Hospital Transparency the Key to a Grand Bargain on 340B?

Handshake over table
Could hospitals' acceptance of 340B reporting requirements help end the fight over limits on 340B contract pharmacy and encroachment on providers’ 340B savings, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky asks.

Could ending the fights over limits on 340B contract pharmacy and encroachment on providers’ 340B savings hinge on hospitals accepting 340B reporting requirements? 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky raises that provocative question in his monthly column for Verity

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One-Third of Americans Lack a Source of Primary Care and Health Centers Can Close the Gap, Says Report

Map of United States depicting percentages of medically disenfranchised populations
Almost one-third of Americans lack access to a usual source of primary care, the National Association of Community Health Centers says in a new report.

More than 100 million Americans—almost one-third of the population, and many of them children—lack access to a usual source of primary care due to a shortage of providers in their community, leading to delays in care, poorer health outcomes, and

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Key Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Protect NY Health Centers and Clinics from “Hundreds of Millions” in Lost 340B Savings

New York state capitol building and plaza
A bill has been introduced in New York State to repeal the April 1 shift of state Medicaid managed care pharmacy benefits to Medicaid fee for service.

The chair of the New York Senate health committee has introduced legislation to repeal the April 1 shift of state Medicaid managed care pharmacy benefits to Medicaid fee for service. The state’s 340B health centers and Ryan White clinics say

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Calif. Medicaid Drug Benefit Transfer Will Harm Care at 340B Health Centers, National and State Groups Tell Court

US District Court Sacramento building and United States flag
The National Association of Community Health Centers and the California Primary Care Association filed briefs in federal district court in Sacramento in a case that seeks to reverse California’s shift of Medicaid pharmacy benefits to Medicaid fee for service.

National and state health center associations have filed amicus briefs in a lawsuit over California’s shift of Medicaid pharmacy benefits to Medicaid fee for service. They say the move will cost 340B providers in the state millions in savings needed

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RxStrategies’ Launches “340B Insider Podcast” Series

In the episode “340B Insights: The Current State of the 340B Program,” RxStrategies’ Jonathan Ghenn and Rhodie Smith connect with Ted Slafsky, Publisher and CEO of the 340B Report to share information on what’s important to Covered Entities and pharmacy professionals who manage a 340B Program

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340B Hospital Transparency Bill Dies in Indiana

Indiana state capitol building
Legislation that included 340B hospital reporting requirements failed to advance in the Indiana legislature.

Legislation in Indiana that would have required hospitals to file annual reports disclosing their median reimbursement for 340B-priced drugs, along with numerous other financial disclosures, has failed to advance and has no chance of passage this year.

The wide-ranging hospital

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Study Raises Questions About Using 340B Claim Modifiers to Implement Medicare Drug Price Negotiation and Inflation Rebate Provisions

IQVIA white paper title page
IQVIA questions whether 340B claims identifiers can be used successfully to implement the Inflation Reduction Act's Medicare drug price negotiation and drug inflation rebate provisions.

New research by drug industry contractor IQVIA questions whether claims identifiers can be used successfully to exclude 340B-purchased drugs from new Medicare drug inflation rebates or to protect manufacturers from paying both a new negotiated Medicare price and a 340B

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America’s Essential Hospitals Asks HHS to Swiftly Repay 340B Hospitals for Unlawful Medicare Drug Payment Cuts

America's Essential Hospitals wordmark and tagline
America’s Essential Hospitals wants HHS “to swiftly remedy five years of unlawful drug reimbursement cuts to 340B hospitals under Medicare Part B.”

America’s Essential Hospitals asked U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra late last week “to swiftly remedy five years of unlawful drug reimbursement cuts to 340B
hospitals under Medicare Part B.”

“These cuts, and a delay in recompensing hospitals for

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