State Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit Weekly Roundup: Updates in Maryland, Minnesota

Key filings and orders occurred in lawsuits challenging 340B contract pharmacy access laws in Maryland and Minnesota.
Editor’s Note: With 340B-related litigation heating up in several states following the enactment of new contract pharmacy access laws, 340B [...]

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Sen. Cassidy’s Letters to Drug Manufacturers Welcomed by Drug Industry Trade Group, Draw Skepticism from 340B Provider Advocates

The drug industry and 340B program advocates offered mixed reactions Monday to a key senator’s latest inquiries into drugmakers’ contract pharmacy restrictions as part of an ongoing congressional probe of the drug pricing program.
The drug industry and 340B program advocates offered mixed reactions Monday to a key senator’s latest inquiries into drugmakers’ contract [...]

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340B Report Kicks Off Editorial Roundtable Podcast and YouTube Show

The first episode of 340B Report’s podcast, Inside 340B Report, is now live.
Editor’s Note: This article is available to all and is not behind the paywall. The first episode of 340B Report’s [...]

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News Alert

House Passes Pediatric Enrollment Bill That Would Require 340B Providers to Report Medicaid Managed Care Revenue

The U.S. House passed a bipartisan bill Tuesday evening to streamline Medicaid enrollment for pediatric providers that would also increase reporting requirements for certain 340B providers.
The U.S. House passed a bipartisan bill Tuesday evening to streamline Medicaid enrollment for pediatric providers that would also increase [...]

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Eli Lilly and Amgen Announce Refunds, Amgen Issues NDC Change

Eli Lilly and Amgen announced refunds for 340B covered entities that purchased certain drugs in 2021.
Two drugmakers recently announced that they will refund 340B covered entities that purchased certain medications following adjustments to their ceiling [...]

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HRSA Adds Louisiana to Eligible States for Immediate 340B Enrollment Due to Hurricane Francine 

HHS declared a Public Health Emergency for Louisiana following Hurricane Francine.
Louisiana providers can enroll in the 340B program outside of the formal enrollment period amid disaster relief efforts following Hurricane [...]

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AstraZeneca Tightens Contract Pharmacy Restrictions to Require Claims Data Submission

AstraZeneca headquarters
AstraZeneca has announced it will tighten its 340B contract pharmacy restrictions for all covered entity types.
Beginning Oct. 1, AstraZeneca will tighten its 340B contract pharmacy restrictions to require claims data on 340B utilization at contract [...]

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ACA Played Key Role in 340B Growth, Drug Industry Consulting Firm Finds

IQVIA headquarters
An IQVIA analysis looked at the 340B program’s growth under the Affordable Care Act.
The 340B program has outgrown patient demands and requires additional restrictions and oversight, according to a new report from a [...]

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AHA Calls on Congress to Defend 340B Access to Specialty, Community Pharmacies Amid Drugmaker Resistance

American Hospital Association logo
AHA officials penned a Medical Economics op-ed on “the truth behind growth of the 340B prescription drug program.”
Specialty and community pharmacies play an essential role in the 340B program and must be protected against interference by drug [...]

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Experts Forecast Impact of November Elections on 340B Program, Drug Pricing and the Larger Economy

340B Report hosted a subscriber-only webinar on the 2024 elections on Sept. 5.
November will bring an epic battle for both the U.S. presidency and control in Congress, both of which could have [...]

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