AHA Calls on Congress to Defend 340B Access to Specialty, Community Pharmacies Amid Drugmaker Resistance

American Hospital Association logo
AHA officials penned a Medical Economics op-ed on “the truth behind growth of the 340B prescription drug program.”
Specialty and community pharmacies play an essential role in the 340B program and must be protected against interference by drug [...]

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Experts Forecast Impact of November Elections on 340B Program, Drug Pricing and the Larger Economy

340B Report hosted a subscriber-only webinar on the 2024 elections on Sept. 5.
November will bring an epic battle for both the U.S. presidency and control in Congress, both of which could have [...]

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J&J Relents on Arkansas Contract Pharmacy Law; AbbVie Exempts MO, MS Covered Entities

Johnson & Johnson building-mounted sign
Johnson & Johnson has ended its contract pharmacy restrictions for Arkansas covered entities.
Johnson & Johnson (J&J) has ended its contract pharmacy restrictions for covered entities in Arkansas, making the New Jersey-based pharmaceutical [...]

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Kedrion Posts 340B Refund Notice; Mylan Issue NDC Changes

Kedrion was one of two drugmakers to issue recent notices to covered entities on a federal government agency website.
Drugmaker Kedrion Biopharma has posted a refund notice to 340B providers, and Mylan notified covered entities of National Drug Code [...]

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Hospital Groups ask Supreme Court to Reverse Ruling that Impacts 340B Eligibility

Hospital groups are urging the Supreme Court to correct what they called HHS' misinterpretation of DSH percentage calculations.
Six national hospital associations recently urged the Supreme Court to correct what they called the Department of Health and Human [...]

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After Failing To Disclose Conflict of Interest, JAMA Issues Correction to Piece Calling for Increased 340B Oversight and Transparency

JAMA corrected an opinion piece on the 340B program to disclose one author's drug industry ties, shortly after 340B Report reported on the omission.
Two weeks after publishing an opinion piece that called for increased 340B program oversight and provider transparency, JAMA issued a [...]

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HRSA Seeks Public Comment On ADR Process and Required Administrative Load

HRSA is seeking stakeholder comments on the administrative burden of the updated 340B ADR process.
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has requested public comment on how petitioners file their initial claims in the [...]

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HRSA Walks Through Hospital Recertification Process Days Before Opening Date

HRSA recently held a webinar for hospitals ahead of their annual 340B recertification period.
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) held a webinar yesterday to guide hospitals through their annual 340B recertification period, [...]

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Two Researchers Call For More 340B Transparency, but JAMA Fails to Disclose Glaring Conflict of Interest

Two researchers authored a recent JAMA opinion piece calling for significant 340B reforms including asking Congress to consider limiting the program to low-income patients.
A recent opinion piece published in JAMA is calling for significant reforms to the 340B program, including more provider transparency, [...]

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HRSA to Host Webinar Tomorrow Ahead of 340B Hospital Recertification Window Opening Aug. 12

The annual 340B hospital recertification period will take place between Aug. 12 and Sept. 9.
With the annual 340B hospital recertification period occurring Aug. 12 to Sept. 9, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA’s) [...]

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