340B Health System’s Suit Against Drugmakers Seeks to Recover ‘Hundreds of Millions in Overpayments’

Calif-based Adventist Health System/West and four drugmakers are clashing in federal district court over allegations of 340B overcharges.
A California health system is continuing a previously sealed whistleblower case it first filed in 2021 against several pharmaceutical companies. [...]

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$7.8 Billion in Refunds from Underpayments to 340B Hospitals Begin to Roll In

A map of Medicare administrative contractors' (MAC's) jurisdictions. MACs in more than half the states have begun to issue refunds to 340B hospitals for unlawful Medicare cuts from 2018-2022.
Medicare administrative contractors (MACs) covering more than half the states have initiated lump sum repayments to 340B hospitals, after getting [...]

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Drug Makers Issue Record Number of 340B Refunds in 2023, Merck First to Refund in 2024

Drugmakers issued a record 41 refunds to 340B covered entities in 2023.
Drugmakers issued a record 41 refunds to 340B covered entities in 2023. And Merck is the first to announce it [...]

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Takeda to Expand 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions

Takeda 340B
Japanese drugmaker Takeda announced its cancer medication Ninlaro will be subject to its 340B contract pharmacy policy.
Just days prior to implementing its first contract pharmacy restrictions, Japanese pharmaceutical giant Takeda yesterday announced it will increase the [...]

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HRSA Announces 340B Webinar for Grantees Before Upcoming Recertification Begins

HRSA building and signage
HRSA plans to host a webinar for federal grantees in the days leading up to the 2024 340B recertification period.
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has announced plans to host a webinar for federal grantees just days prior [...]

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AHA Warns of ‘Adverse Impact’ from Lack of 340B Provisions in New MA Rule

Ashley Thompson headshot
AHA's Ashley Thompson wrote that a proposed Medicare Advantage payment rule could have “double the adverse impact” on 340B hospitals.
The nation’s leading hospital group warned the decision by federal regulators not to address 340B policy in a new proposed [...]

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Key GOP House Member Active on 340B Matters to Retire

Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.), who has led high-profile 340B-related legislation, will retire at the end of this Congress.
Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.) yesterday announced he will retire from Congress at the end of this session. Bucshon, who has [...]

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Nebraska Bill Introduced to Protect 340B Contract Pharmacy Arrangements

Portrait of Nebraska state Senator Brian Hardin
Nebraska state Senator Brian Hardin has introduced legislation to protect 340B contract pharmacy arrangements.
A Nebraska state senator has introduced legislation to bar any drugmaker restrictions on arrangements between contract pharmacies and 340B providers. [...]

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Health System Pays $7.25 Million in Settlement of 340B-Involved Kickback Allegations, without Liability Findings

Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare building
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare and the federal government have settled a 340B-related False Claims Act suit against the system.
A Memphis-based health system agreed to a $7.25 million settlement—without admitting wrongdoing—of federal allegations that it paid kickbacks funded, in [...]

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Novo Says Arkansas Agreement ‘Preserves It’s Position’; More Manufacturer Deals in the Works

Arkansas Insurance Department office sign
The Arkansas Insurance Department will imminently enforce a state 340B contract pharmacy law following a key federal appeals court decision.
Drugmaker Novo Nordisk’s deal with Arkansas restoring 340B discounts in the contract pharmacy setting until a coming appeals court ruling, [...]

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