Novo Nordisk To Provide Refunds on Ozempic and Three Other Drugs to 340B Entities

Drugmaker Novo Nordisk is providing refunds to 340B covered entities on its blockbuster diabetes/weight loss drug Ozempic and three other products.
Drugmaker Novo Nordisk announced it is providing 340B covered entities 12-months-worth of refunds on four drug products including two of [...]

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340B Drugs Reach 18% of Outpatient Drug Sales, Says PhRMA-Backed Research; Providers Say It is Misleading

A PhRMA funded report found that 340B drugs grew to 18% of total outpatient branded drug sales in 2022. The figures were criticized by 340B providers and others as misleading.
340B drugs have steadily increased as a share of U.S. branded outpatient pharmaceutical sales and reached 18% of the total [...]

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340B Hospitals Should Consider Internal Pharmacies, Selective Contracting, Says Consulting Group

Executives at a healthcare financial consulting group recommended 340B hospitals consider using in-house pharmacies.
Hospitals in the 340B program should respond to increasing drugmaker contract pharmacy restrictions by opening their own pharmacies or selectively [...]

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CVS Cites 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions in 19% Income Drop in Its Pharmacy Services

CVS Health said drugmaker 340B contract pharmacy restrictions contributed to a decline in the company's pharmacy services revenue.
CVS Health recently cited drug manufacturers’ contract pharmacy restrictions as one of the causes for a 19% year-over-year income decline [...]

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2024 Provider Audits Begin with No Adverse Findings

Federal auditors recently reported no adverse findings in their first fiscal year 2024 340B audit of a pharmaceutical manufacturer.
The first fiscal year 2024 340B provider audit reports included no adverse findings for 19 organizations. The May 8 audit [...]

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Health System Appeal of False Claims Suit Against Drugmakers For Alleged 340B Overcharges Allowed to Move Forward

California-based health system Adventist Health System/West's lawsuit alleging drugmaker 340B overcharges was allowed to move forward in a federal appeals court.
A California health system’s lawsuit alleging “hundreds of millions” in overcharges by four drugmakers was recently released from required mediation [...]

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IRA Draft Guidance Leaves 340B Details Unclear

The latest CMS guidance on implementing the Inflation Reduction Act's Medicare price caps left unresolved key 340B pricing details.
Recently released draft guidance for implementing Medicare price caps would allow voluntary provider use of 340B codes on claims, while [...]

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U.S. Drug Spending Increased 14 Percent in 2023; Clinic, Hospital Trends Diverge

Eric Tichy led research with seven of his colleagues that examined U.S. drug spending trends in 2023.
Drug spending increased by 13.6% in 2023 to $722.5 billion, according to recent research. It found divergent trends for clinic [...]

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Eight More Provider Audits Closed with Corrective Action Plans in Latest HRSA Audit Findings

HRSA's latest update to its ongoing fiscal year 2023 program integrity audits included corrective action plans for eight 340B providers.
Federal auditors closed audits with corrective action plans (CAPs) for eight more 340B providers, which brought the fiscal year 2023 [...]

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Takeda Loosens Contract Pharmacy Restrictions on Arkansas Hospitals

Takeda has loosened its 340B contract pharmacy restrictions for Arkansas-based hospital covered entities.
Editors’ note: After publication, Pfizer became the 24th drugmaker to loosen or end its contract pharmacy restrictions for Arkansas covered entities, [...]

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