Contract Pharmacies Have Proliferated, Conservative Group Says, Citing Data from Pharma-Funded Think Tank

A Paragon Health Institute analysis found the share of 340B contract pharmacies per covered entity has increased in recent years.
Active 340B contract pharmacies reached 17,250 in 2024, according to a conservative think tank using data collected by another group funded by [...]

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Sumitomo Is Thirty-Second Company to Implement Contract Pharmacy Restrictions

Sumitomo is the 32nd pharmaceutical manufacturer to place restrictions on 340B drug shipment in the contract pharmacy setting.
Drugmaker Sumitomo Pharma America (SMPA) announced it will implement first-time contract pharmacy restrictions next month. The biotech company, which is [...]

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Amgen, J&J to Issue Refunds on High-Selling Drugs to 340B Providers

Drugmakers Amgen and Johnson & Johnson have announced they will provide refunds to 340B providers on past purchases of multiple [...]

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Estimated 340B Revenue Exceeded Charity Care Spending for 85% of DSH Hospitals, Says Pharma-backed Group

340B revenue exceeds charity care spending for most DSH hospitals, said a report from drug industry-backed AIR340B.
Eighty-five percent of DSH hospitals earned more in estimated 340B revenue in 2022 than they incurred in charity care costs, [...]

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Three 340B Terminations, Seven Paybacks to Manufacturers in Latest Provider Audit Findings

Federal regulators released a March 20 update to ongoing 340B program integrity audits for fiscal year 2023.
Federal auditors determined terminations from the 340B program were required for either a covered entity site or a contract pharmacy [...]

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Judge Dismisses Health System’s Penny Pricing Coordination Lawsuit Against Drugmakers

A federal district judge has dismissed Calif.-based Adventist West's lawsuit against four drug manufacturers.
A federal judge recently dismissed a large California health system’s whistleblower case against four pharmaceutical companies for alleged fraudulent 340B [...]

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Senate, House Appropriators Agree on Budget for Office of Pharmacy Affairs but Have Different Priorities

Senate and House appropriators have agreed on funding for HHS and the office within it that oversees 340B, but they appear to have different regulatory priorities.
While it appears that Senate and House appropriators have agreed on a funding level for the office that oversees the [...]

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California Ballot Initiative Targets Big 340B Provider Serving HIV Population

Tom Myers, general counsel for AHF, said a California ballot measure is intended as retaliation against the HIV/AIDS group.
A California ballot initiative aims to codify the California governor’s 2019 shift of the Medicaid program’s prescription drug benefit from [...]

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340B Hospitals’ Low-Income Prostate Cancer Patients Had Better Adherence

Dr. Kassem Faraj and his co-authors at the University of Michigan found 340B was associated with better treatment adherence for more vulnerable prostate cancer patients.
Although 340B participation did not correlate to the start of costly treatment for men with advanced prostate cancer enrolled in [...]

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340B Small Share of Drugmaker Revenue, Says Hospital-Backed Report

340B drug discounts only amounted to a small percentage of total drugmaker revenue, a hospital-funded study found.
Despite the increase in the amount of 340B program drug discounts, those only amounted to 3.1% of global and 7% [...]

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