Drug Industry-funded Think Tank Raises Questions About 340B Hospitals’ Charity Care

The Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research compared 29 financially strong 340B hospitals/health systems’ performance on charity care in an Aug. 19 brief.
More transparency surrounding 340B hospital operations is needed to ensure drug discount savings are being used to improve patient care, [...]

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Federal Court Grants Texas Hospitals’ Request to Temporarily Block DSH Calculation Changes

A federal court sided with a group of Texas hospitals’ efforts to block an HHS rule.
A federal court last week sided with a group of Texas hospitals’ efforts to block—at least temporarily—a Department of Health [...]

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AHA Raises ‘Serious Concerns’ with MedPAC’s Direction on 340B

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A new AHA report looked at how hospitals’ arrangements with community and specialty pharmacies affect access to care.
A major hospital advocacy group recently urged congressional advisers to “carefully consider” the potential negative consequences of any new efforts [...]

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GSK Announces Refunds for 340B Overcharges

GlaxoSmithKline will refund covered entities that purchased certain formulations of a severe asthma treatment in 2022.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) will refund covered entities that purchased certain formulations of a severe asthma treatment medication in the third quarter [...]

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340B ESP Updates Claims Submission Policy, Stakeholders Voice Concerns About Compliance

Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman P.C., which represents 340B providers, urged drugmakers to reject new 340B ESP terms and conditions.
340B covered entities could soon be required to share new information—including reimbursement amounts, ship to dates and ship to locations—as [...]

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State Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit Weekly Roundup: AstraZeneca Defends Subpoenas; Updates in Missouri, Mississippi, Maryland

Lawsuits challenging 340B contract pharmacy access laws recently heated up in Missouri, Mississippi and Maryland.
Editor’s Note: With 340B-related litigation heating up in several states following the enactment of new contract pharmacy access laws this [...]

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Former Pfizer Exec. Slams 340B, Says IRA Will Worsen Program in New Op-Ed 

Kirsten Axelsen, a consultant and former Pfizer executive, cautioned that the 340B program “will be even worse” under the IRA in an Aug. 13 op-ed.
A former Pfizer executive and current biopharmaceutical consultant took aim this week at what she called the “poorly managed” 340B [...]

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UPDATED: AbbVie Ends Voluntary 340B Discount Pricing for Dozens of Orphan Drugs

AbbVie will no longer offer voluntary 340B pricing on any of its orphan-designated drugs to covered entities subject to such exclusions.
AbbVie will no longer offer voluntary 340B pricing on any of its orphan-designated drugs to rural referral centers (RRC), sole [...]

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Massachusetts’ 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Bill Fails to Move in Formal Session, Stakeholders Remain Hopeful

A contract pharmacy access bill could still pass in Massachusetts despite the end of the formal legislative session.
Although Massachusetts lawmakers left Beacon Hill this month without passing a long-stalled 340B contract pharmacy access bill, provider groups say [...]

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State Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit Weekly Roundup: AstraZeneca Subpoenas in Arkansas, Mississippi; Minnesota AG’s Defense

Lawsuits challenging 340B contract pharmacy access laws recently heated up in Missouri, Mississippi and Maryland.
Editor’s Note: With 340B-related litigation heating up in several states following the enactment of new contract pharmacy access laws this [...]

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