Massachusetts Senate to Vote on 340B PBM Nondiscrimination Measure; Status of Contract Pharmacy Bill Uncertain

Massachusetts lawmakers are expected to vote on Sen. Pavel Payano's (D) 340B PBM nondiscrimination bill Thursday.
Beacon Hill lawmakers are expected to vote Thursday on a proposal that would prohibit pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) from imposing [...]

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GOP-Led House Appropriations Committee Votes to Cut HRSA Funding, Flat Funds OPA in Party Line Vote

The House Appropriations Committee approved the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act on July 10.
The House panel responsible for federal appropriations legislation passed a bill last week that would cut funding for the Health [...]

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Study Finds Oncology Markups at 340B Pediatric Hospitals; AHA Slams Study and Funder 

New research looked at the prices 340B-enrolled pediatric hospitals charged for pediatric oncology drugs.
The rates 340B pediatric hospitals negotiate with payers for new pediatric oncology drugs often exceed a medication’s average sale price, [...]

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Matsui’s 340B PATIENTS Act Gains 5 Democratic Co-Sponsors Ahead of 340B Health Lobby Days

U.S. Capitol building at sunrise
Five congressional Democrats signed on as co-sponsors to a bill that would bar drugmaker restrictions on 340B contract pharmacy arrangements.
As hospital advocates prepared to begin their annual summer visits to Capitol Hill this week, five congressional Democrats signed on [...]

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Drug Industry Takes Issue with IRA’s Drug Negotiation Guidance

PhRMA recently urged CMS to establish a neutral clearinghouse and require accurate use of 340B claim modifiers to address nonduplication in its final guidance for Medicare drug price negotiations under the IRA.
Editor’s Note: In Tuesday’s issue, we looked at comments from 340B provider stakeholders, today we look more closely at the [...]

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Apotex to Issue Refunds to 340B Covered Entities 

Apotex Corp. announced in a July 2 notice to 340B providers that it will issue refunds to 340B covered entities that purchased any of nearly 400 products.
A Canadian drug manufacturer recently announced that it will refund covered entities for hundreds of different products purchased between 2021 [...]

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340B Providers Take Issue with CMS Draft Guidance on IRA Implementation Calling It “Problematic, Unworkable and Inconsistent”

340B provider groups strongly criticized the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ draft guidance for Medicare drug price negotiations.
Editor’s Note: In today’s issue, we look at the 340B provider community’s comments to CMS. In a future issue, we [...]

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Astellas Suspends its Contract Pharmacy Restrictions in More States; BMS and Sanofi Also Announce State Exemptions

Astellas building mounted sign
Astellas Pharma announced the suspension of its contract pharmacy policy in Maryland and Mississippi.
A Japanese drug manufacturer has ended its 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in Maryland and Mississippi in conjunction with new contract [...]

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AbbVie, AstraZeneca Sue Minnesota Over Contract Pharmacy Access Law

AbbVie and AstraZeneca filed a pair of lawsuits to block Minnesota's law barring manufacturer 340B contract pharmacy restrictions.
Two major drug manufacturers are suing Minnesota to block a new 340B contract pharmacy access law, which took effect this [...]

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AbbVie, AstraZeneca Challenge Kansas’ New Contract Pharmacy Access Law

AbbVie will no longer offer voluntary 340B pricing on any of its orphan-designated drugs to covered entities subject to such exclusions.
Two major drug manufacturers this week sued Kansas in an effort to block the state’s new contract pharmacy access law, [...]

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