The tactics some opponents of legislation to restore access to 340B prices in the contract pharmacy setting use are getting [...] …
Articles by : Ted Slafsky, Publisher & CEO
Last year, I wrote a column about the irresponsible tactics of a Washington D.C.-based dark money group that poured millions of dollars [...] …
As I mentioned in my last column, the 119th Congress includes hundreds of members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 100 [...] …
There are 435 members of the U.S. House and 100 U.S. Senators, and each one of them can influence the [...] …
With President-elect Donald Trump’s (R) big victory and the GOP takeover of the U.S. Senate in last week’s elections, we [...] …
After a long period in which many 340B providers felt helpless, the last month has brought two major wins. First, [...] …
The Biden administration deserves credit for playing a key role in passing the first law in history to allow the [...] …
If things were not difficult enough already for 340B providers, hospitals woke up on Friday morning to an announcement that [...] …
After six months of heated battles in the states to restore access to 340B drug discounts in the contract pharmacy [...] …
Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly has significantly escalated its restrictions on access to 340B pricing in the contract pharmacy setting, the [...] …