Lilly Adds Significant New Restrictions on 340B Contract Pharmacy Access; Alleges Lack of Oversight by HRSA, Pharmacies and TPAs

Lilly wordmark on top of building
Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly has significantly escalated its restrictions on access to 340B pricing in the contract pharmacy setting, the company announced June 19 on the drug industry vendor site 340B ESP.
Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly has significantly escalated its restrictions on access to 340B pricing in the contract pharmacy setting, the [...]

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COLUMN: After 340B Hearing and New Bills Emerging; The Likely Path Forward

The latest column from Ted Slafsky, publisher and CEO of 340B Report, addresses the likeliest path forward for 340B federal legislation.
Despite its importance, the 340B drug discount program rarely ever goes under the Congressional spotlight.  In fact, until the June [...]

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Column: Momentum Continues in States on Contract Pharmacy Access

340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky addresses advocacy battles around 340B contract pharmacy state laws.
In last month’s column, I wrote about a reprehensible campaign by 340B opponents to tie this vital drug discount program [...]

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COLUMN: Despite 340B Opponents’ Unprecedented Tactics, Many States Progress on Contract Pharmacy Protection Legislation

Ted Slafsky, publisher and CEO of 340B Report, writes about the surge in state 340B legislation in his latest column.
After over 30 years of working in Washington, D.C., I have become accustomed to the expression “politics ain’t beanbag.” The [...]

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Column: Key Takeaways from the SUSTAIN 340B Act and Things to Consider When Weighing In (Part 2)

Ted Slafsky, publisher and CEO of 340B Report, writes the second part of his two-part column on the Senate "group of six" 340B discussion draft.
In February, the U.S. Senate bipartisan “Group of Six” released an eagerly anticipated discussion draft bill and a bill summary/request [...]

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Column: Key Takeaways from Senate Group of Six Draft 340B Bill (Part 1)

Ted Slafsky, publisher and CEO of 340B Report, writes the second part of his two-part column on the Senate "group of six" 340B discussion draft.
After reviewing comments from over 250 stakeholders, meeting with various interest groups and holding regular staff meetings, the U.S. Senate [...]

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COLUMN: Action on 340B Contract Pharmacies Turns to the States

Ted Slafsky, publisher and CEO of 340B Report, writes the second part of his two-part column on the Senate "group of six" 340B discussion draft.
As we approach the 16-month mark since we had pivotal arguments over the 340B contract pharmacy program in two federal [...]

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Hospital Groups Urge Federal Court to Dismiss Drug Industry Suit Against Louisiana Law

Jeff Landry headshot
Four hospital associations filed an amicus brief in support of Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry's defense of his state's contract pharmacy law.
Four hospital associations are asking a federal judge in Louisiana to throw out a suit filed by the drug industry [...]

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A Tribute to Our Founding Editor in Chief from the Publisher and CEO

Ted Slafsky, publisher and CEO of 340B Report, calls retiring editor-in-chief Tom Mirga a "brilliant writer and reporter" in a tribute editorial.
When I thought about launching 340B Report, the first person I reached out to was Tom Mirga. Tom and I [...]

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Column: Hospitals Are Not the Only 340B Providers Under Scrutiny

Ted Slafsky, publisher and CEO of 340B Report, writes the second part of his two-part column on the Senate "group of six" 340B discussion draft.
Veteran 340B observers were surprised to see that Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) has expanded his 340B investigation into community health [...]

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