A Personal Look at Some of the Nation’s Top 340B Lawyers


Do you think you know Powers Law?  You may know that Powers has represented 340B safety net hospitals, Ryan White clinics, community health centers as well as state and local governments and retail pharmacies since the 340B program’s inception in 1992.  You may also know that Powers has a strong

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A Q&A with Two 340B Industry Experts About the Importance of Innovation and a Competitive Edge


The word “innovation” gets tossed around so much these days that we almost forget its meaning—the introduction of new and different ideas for out-of-the-box problem solving that have meaningful impacts. Yet, innovation is different in every industry, and it’s essential in a field as complex as 340B.

To get a handle on

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340B Covered Entities: Are You Ready for the Changes to Gilead’s Advancing Access Program?


This strategy could save the 340B proceeds at your organization

Today, underinsured or uninsured patients who are undergoing treatment with a Gilead HIV treatment or preventative medication may be eligible to receive those medications at no cost through Gilead’s Advancing Access program. Under this program, covered entities are able to receive

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Key Questions 340B Providers Should Ask When Choosing a TPA


Program integrity is crucial to the management of a covered entity’s 340B operations.  Key components include knowing what is expected of the covered entity and having the right questions to ask your third party administrator about their practices and software.  The purpose of this article is to highlight valuable objectives to have

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3 Requirements for Exceptional Specialty Pharmacy Patient Satisfaction


The Net Promoter Score® (NPS) offers an objective measurement of what is arguably one of healthcare’s most critical—but subjective—areas of focus: patient satisfaction. It is a cross-industry standardized index designed to measure people’s willingness to recommend a company’s products or services to others. While traditional customer satisfaction surveys usually measure a

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The 340B ACE Advantage: A Credential that Sets the Standard for 340B Expertise


When it comes to operating a 340B program, health systems, hospitals, and other entities that participate in the federal drug pricing program administered by HRSA have found that hiring graduates of the Apexus Advanced 340B Operations Certificate Program is helping them achieve compliance and implement a successful 340B program. 

In the

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Claims Manager Plus: Helping 340B Pharmacies Smooth Out the Bumps


Running a 340B pharmacy is a complicated business, especially considering the varying requirements from payers that can wreak havoc on your bottom line. That’s why Sentry continually works to develop new tools and services to help you stay on top of things and keep your reimbursements moving.


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Capture Cares Foundation Awards $300,000 in Grants to 340B Providers for 2021

Eighteen 340B Covered Entities to Receive Grant Funding to Help Further Their Missions in the Communities They Serve

Capture Cares is pleased to provide grantees once again with the funding that they need to enable their missions. The projects and programs that these Covered Entities wished to receive grants for are honorable and empower the

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Keys to Ensuring Adherence in HIV Treatment and Care


An HIV diagnosis does not have the same meaning today as when the virus first emerged in the 1980s. People living with HIV can now expect to live a long, full life, as long as they adhere to a prescribed antiretroviral treatment regimen.

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A Level Best Compliance Approach to 340B Optimization


Since its introduction in 1992, the 340B Program has vastly altered the pharmacy landscape. In these very uncertain times, as we continue to grasp COVID-19’s longevity and struggle to predict a tumultuous 340B environment, we see considerable talk about 340B optimization. From expanding contract pharmacy networks

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