Pennsylvania Says Contract Pharmacies May Not Dispense 340B Drugs to Any Medicaid Beneficiaries

Pennsylvania Dept. of Human Services medical assistance bulletin image referring to 340B drug pricing program
Pennsylvania 340B covered entities are alarmed about the state's position that contract pharmacies may not dispense 340B drugs to any Medicaid beneficiaries.

Pennsylvania 340B health centers and hospitals are alarmed about a Dec. 22 state human services department notice to providers that 340B covered entities’ contract pharmacies “must dispense non-340B-purchased drugs to [Medicaid] beneficiaries in the [fee for service] and managed care

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340B Market News: Avita Acquires PrEP-by-Telehealth Provider Q Care Plus

QCare+ wordmark
340B contract pharmacy and third-party administration services company Avita has acquired Q Care Plus, a business that helps patients access PrEP by telehealth.

Avita, a leading provider of 340B contract pharmacy and third-party administration services geared toward HIV and LGBTQ+ communities, has acquired Q Care Plus, a business that helps patients access HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medication by telehealth.

PMQ Investors LLC, Avita’s

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First 340B-Related Bill of 118th Congress Filed

Screenshot of 340B legislation page
The first bill of the 118th Congress to change the 340B program was introduced this week.

U.S. Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) has introduced legislation reportedly the same as he filed during the last session of Congress to impose conditions on hospital participation in the 340B program. More bills dealing with 340B are likely.

H.R. 198

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Nine New Republicans Named to House Committee with 340B Jurisdiction

House E&C wordmark
U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) announced that the panel will have nine new Republicans this session.

U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) announced Tuesday that she was named chair of the House Energy & Commerce Committee. She in turn announced yesterday that the House Republican Steering Committee recommended nine new members to serve on the panel.

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Keep 340B Strong, AHA Says in Wall Street Journal Ad

AHA advertisement
The American Hospital Association's ad in The Wall Street Journal said, “It is in the best interest of all to keep the 340B program strong.”

The American Hospital Association purchased a large ad in The Wall Street Journal print edition Tuesday touting the 340B program’s benefits and saying, “It is in the best interest of all to keep the 340B program strong.”

The quarter-page

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Health System Makes Improvements at 340B Hospital in New York Times Investigation

Richmond Community Hospital building and signage
Bon Secours Health System opened a long-delayed medical office building adjacent to the Richmond, Va., hospital that was the focus of a New York Times investigation of alleged 340B program misuse.

An Ohio-based health system that was the focus of a New York Times investigation of alleged 340B program misuse opened a long-delayed medical office building this week near the Richmond, Va., hospital featured in the exposé.

Bon Secours Health System

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CMS Announces Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Dates

Screenshot of Newsroom Medicare Drug Price Negotiation story
CMS will publish the first 10 Medicare Part D drugs selected for the new Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program by Sept. 1.

The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will publish the first 10 Medicare Part D drugs selected for the new Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program by Sept. 1, CMS announced yesterday.

The negotiated maximum fair prices for these drugs

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Breaking: Judge Declines to Order HHS to Promptly Repay 340B Hospitals for Illegal Medicare Part B Drug Reimbursement Cuts

USDC Washington, D.C. court house building
A federal district court in Washington, D.C., declined to order HHS to promptly repay hospitals for illegal Part B drug payment cuts spanning five years.

A federal district judge in Washington, D.C., this morning ruled that Medicare Part B underpayments to hospitals for 340B drugs from 2018 to 2022 were unlawful. But in a disappointment for the hospital groups that sued, the judge declined to

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U.S. District Court Orders 340B Report to Destroy and Not Divulge Legally Obtained Information in 340B Patient Definition Case

Screenshot of District of South Carolina Genesis Health Care Inc. v. Becerra et al court order
A federal district court ordered 340B Report to destroy and not divulge the contents of legally obtained records filed by the federal government in a lawsuit over the 340B patient definition.

A federal district court in South Carolina ordered 340B Report late yesterday to destroy and not release information from more than 9,000 pages of documents that the federal government filed in a public database Thursday in a community health center’s

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Congressional Committee Lineups Still in Flux After McCarthy Installed as House Speaker

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in the speaker's chair
U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) takes the podium Jan. 7 after being elected as House Speaker.

The members, GOP chairs, and top-ranking Democrats of U.S. House committees for the 118th Congress still had not been formally announced this morning, three days after Republicans chose Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to be House speaker.

It took four days

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