First-Ever Conference Just for 340B Grantee Entities Set for October in Denver

Aerial view of Denver, Colorado Capitol building dome and cityscape
The first-ever 340B conference exclusively for grantee covered entities is being held in Denver in October.

HIV/AIDS clinics and community health centers that participate in the 340B program yesterday announced the first 340B conference exclusively for grantee covered entities, Oct. 18-19 in Denver. 

Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access (RWC-340B), National Association of Community Health Centers

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Biden Administration Kills Trump-era Rules Casting Doubt on HHS Guidance and Enforcement Actions

hand dropping crumpled paper into metal mesh wastebasket
The Biden administration repealed Trump-era rules that it said hindered HHS from issuing guidance and bringing enforcement actions.

The Biden administration yesterday repealed Trump administration final rules that it said hindered the U.S. Health and Human Services Department’s (HHS) ability “to issue guidance, bring enforcement actions, and take other appropriate actions that advance the department’s mission.”

Under ex-President

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340B Report Publisher and CEO: What to Expect Following Midterm Elections

A roll of I Voted, Yo Vote stickers
Look for the GOP to try again to put more restrictions on the 340B program if the party takes over the U.S. House, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky says.

Congress’ attitude toward the 340B program will likely change in 2023 and 2024 because of November’s midterm election results, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky predicts in his latest column for Omnicell.

It is customary for the party that

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War Over Hearts and Minds in 340B Battle Heats Up as Hospitals Launch Their Own Campaign

example of a an ad advocating 340B program support of rural hospitals
Hospital groups are running ads aimed at getting HHS to" take all available enforcement actions" against drug companies that deny 340B pricing when providers use contract pharmacies.

It’s not just the drug industry stepping up its effort to influence the public and policymakers over the increasingly heated battle over the 340B program. 

Groups that represent 340B hospitals and hospital pharmacists have launched a digital advertising campaign “to

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U.S. Supreme Court Formally Notifies Lower Court and Parties About its Decision Striking Down Medicare Part B Drug Payment Cuts for 340B Hospitals

The Supreme Court of the United States building
Major hospital groups have asked the Supreme Court to review a case that challenges HHS' DSH payment formula.

The clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday formally notified the clerk of a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., and lawyers for three hospital groups and three health systems of the high court’s June 15 judgement in the

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340B DSH Hospitals Upped Services to the Poor During Pandemic’s Brutal First Year, 340B Health Says

Two bar charts comparing 340B DSH hospitals and Non-340B hospitals
Research commissioned by 340B Health found that 340B DSH hospitals spent more on uncompensated and unreimbursed care during COVID-19's first year than the year before despite worsening operating margins.

340B disproportionate share hospitals provided more uncompensated and unreimbursed care during 2020 despite a decline in operating margins associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, a new hospital-funded study shows.

The paper by Dobson DaVanzo for hospital group 340B Health compared 340B

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As Part of New Ad Campaign, PhRMA Buys Full-Page Ad in Washington Post Blasting 340B Hospitals and Pharmacy Chains

PhRMA trade association ad about 340B
PhRMA ran a full-page ad in today's Washington Post saying 340B helps big hospitals and chain pharmacies, not patients.

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America ran a full-page advertisement in the A section of The Washington Post this morning blasting 340B hospitals and drug store chains. According to a PhRMA spokesperson, it is part of a new ad campaign

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Hospital Groups Cheer, Private Cancer Docs Deplore CMS’s Decision to End Deep Cut in 340B Hospitals’ Drug Payments

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services wordmark
340B hospitals are happy that CMS has decided to end a deep cut in the hospitals' Medicare drug reimbursement. Private oncology practices call the decision "“an outrageous dereliction of duty."

Groups that represent 340B hospitals praised the Biden administration’s decision Friday to end a deep cut in the hospitals’ Medicare Part B drug reimbursement in place since 2018. They urged the government to swiftly make 340B hospitals whole for their

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HRSA’s 340B Program Website Gets a New Look

HRSA 340B drug pricing program screenshots
HRSA refreshed its 340B drug pricing program website last week, the first major change in the site's appearance in about four years.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA), the unit within the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) that runs the 340B drug discount program, refreshed the OPA site late last week. This is the

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News Alert

181 House Members Prod HHS to Start Fining Drug Makers for “Unlawful” 340B Overcharges Involving Contract Pharmacies

East elevation of the U.S. Capitol building
181 bipartisan U.S. House members on Friday urged HHS to quickly fine all drug manufacturers that deny 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies.

One hundred eighty-one U.S. House members—144 Democrats and 37 Republicans—urged the Biden administration on Friday to quickly impose civil monetary penalties against all drug manufacturers that restrict access to 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies.

“Manufacturers have received

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