BMS Updates its Conditions on 340B Pricing Involving Contract Pharmacy

A Camzyos pill bottle
BMS updated its 340B contract pharmacy pricing policy to address how it will handle 340B discounts on its new heart medicine Camzyos.

Drug manufacturer Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) yesterday updated its 340B contract pharmacy pricing policy to address how it will handle 340B discounts on its new heart medicine Camzyos, a potential blockbuster product.

Camzyos is a first-in-class treatment for symptomatic obstructive

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BMS and Merck Announce Refunds for 340B Overcharges

an extended hand holding a 100 dollar bill
BMS and Merck—both for the second time this year—are giving 340B covered entities refunds for overcharges on select products.

Drug manufacturers Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) and Merck are giving 340B covered entities refunds for overcharges on select products, according to public notices by the companies posted on the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) website.


For the

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With Talk of Legislation Heating Up, PhRMA Seeks a New 340B Policy Director

PhRMA wordmark repeated on a background
PhRMA is seeking a new director for its policy and research team to help develop and lead implementation of work on 340B.

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) is seeking a new director for its policy and research team to help develop and lead implementation of work on 340B and related hospital cost and affordability issues, according to an employment solicitation

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340B ADR Proposed Rule Remains at White House 5 Months Past Expected Publication Date

Pages of a calendar
A proposed replacement for the 340B administrative dispute resolution process has been under White House review for more than six months.

A proposed replacement for the 340B administrative dispute resolution (ADR) process has been under White House review for more than half a year. It seems to be no closer to publication for notice and comment than it was when it

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CMS Asks Court Again to Dismiss 340B Health Centers’ Suit Over Medicaid Drug Benefits Transfer

A state of California benefits identification card
CMS again asked a federal district court to dismiss California 340B health centers’ lawsuit over the state’s transfer of Medicaid managed care drug benefits to Medicaid fee for service.

The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) last week again asked a federal district court in Sacramento to dismiss a group of California health centers’ claims for relief over CMS’s approval of the state’s transfer of Medicaid managed

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Maryland Governor Signs 340B Anti-discrimination Bill into Law

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) signing a document
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) has signed legislation barring PBM discrimination against 340B covered entities and contract pharmacies.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) has signed legislation prohibiting pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) discrimination against 340B covered entities and their contract pharmacies.

Hogan signed HB 1274 into law on May 16. It takes effect Oct. 1. The state House and Senate

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The New Rules of 340B Contract Pharmacy—a Recap of 340B Report’s First-Ever Webinar

Screenshot of Zoom webinar panelists
340B Report's May 18 webinar panelists included (clockwise from top left) Aaron Vandervelde, Jason Atlas, Ashley Mains Espinosa, Tom Mirga, Ted Slafsky, and Sue Veer.

340B Report held a webinar for its subscribers last week on Second Sight Solutions’ 340B ESP platform that administers drug manufacturers’ conditions on 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies. More than 800 subscribers registered to attend—a clear sign

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In What Would Be the Only Second State to Enact Such Legislation, Calif. Senate Votes to Shield 340B Providers from Manufacturers and PBMs’ Actions

California Senate chamber interior
The California Senate passed legislation to bar drug manufacturer conditions on covered entities’ 340B drug purchases and to bar pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) discrimination against 340B covered entities and their pharmacies.

The California Senate passed legislation yesterday to prohibit drug manufacturer conditions on covered entities’ 340B drug purchases and to prohibit pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) discrimination against 340B covered entities and their pharmacies.

The Senate voted 24-9 in favor of SB-939 and

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Tennessee Health System Strikes Back Against DOJ Claims It Paid for Referrals to Boost 340B Revenue

Methodist University Hospital, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare building
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare disputes U.S. Justice Department claims that the health system's agreements under the system’s affiliation with a private oncology practice were “a fiction” perpetuated partially to let the system “realize profits from the 340B program.”

A Tennessee health system last week denied U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) allegations that agreements under the system’s seven-year affiliation with a private oncology practice were “a fiction” perpetuated partially to let the system “realize profits from the 340B program.”


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Provider Groups File Appellate Briefs in Key 340B Contract Pharmacy Cases

US court of appeals for the DC circuit courtroom interior
Groups representing health centers, HIV/AIDS clinics, and hospitals filed briefs in key 340B contract pharmacy cases in federal appeals courts in Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia.

Groups representing health centers, HIV/AIDS clinics, and hospitals asked federal appeals courts in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., this week to hold that drug manufacturers must give covered entities 340B discounts on drugs when entities use contract pharmacies to fill prescriptions

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