Apexus Picks Ohio Health System Pharmacy Exec Michelle Wiest For Influential 340B Position

Apexus announced yesterday that it has hired Michelle Wiest, most recently vice president of pharmacy services at UC Health in Cincinnati, to be its senior vice president of 340B policy and compliance.

Michelle Wiest, most recently vice president of pharmacy services at UC Health in Cincinnati, is Apexus’s new senior vice president of 340B policy and compliance.

Apexus announced Wiest’s hiring yesterday. The company said Wiest will oversee its education programming, compliance

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Despite Initial Optimism, Rural Hospitals Won’t Benefit from 340B Pricing on BMS’s Myeloma Drugs

Rural and free-standing cancer hospitals will not get access to voluntary 340B pricing on Bristol Myers Squibb’s expensive myeloma drugs Revlimid, Pomalyst, and Thalomid under a policy change the company announced last month.

Critical access hospitals, rural referral centers, sole community hospitals, and free-standing cancer hospitals will not be getting access to voluntary 340B pricing on Bristol Myers Squibb’s (BMS) expensive myeloma drugs—a development certain to be a disappointment for rural providers.


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Spanberger and Johnson Lining up an Hour of Pro-340B Accolades on U.S. House Floor Next Tuesday

U.S. Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) and Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) are are organizing an hour of end-of-the-day floor speeches by House members lauding the 340B program this Tuesday.

340B covered entity allies in the U.S. House are booking an hour of floor speeches by members lauding the drug discount program next week Tuesday after all legislative business is finished.

Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) and Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) are

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11 out of 15 Top-Selling Drugs in U.S. Are Subject to 340B Pricing Restrictions, Analysis Shows

Eleven of the 15 top-selling brand drugs in the United States are now subject to manufacturer-imposed 340B pricing restrictions, including eight in the past 90 days, an analysis by health sector communications consulting firm Real Chemistry found. (Note: Sales figures in the chart are in billions of dollars.)

Eleven of the 15 top-selling brand drugs in the United States are now subject to manufacturer-imposed 340B pricing restrictions, including eight in the past 90 days, a new analysis shows.

Real Chemistry, a health sector communications consulting firm, published

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Kalderos Hires Veteran Health Care Tech Company Leader Brent Dover to be its New CEO

Kalderos today announced the appointment of Brent Dover as CEO. He succeeds company founder Jeremy Docken, who will remain on the board and who's new title is chief strategy officer.

Drug industry technology company Kalderos, which has struggled to launch its 340B Pay service to let drug companies provide 340B pricing as a post-purchase rebate instead of as an up-front discount, has a new chief executive officer.

The company announced

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News Alert: At 340B Conference, Feds Laud 340B Providers, Criticize Drug Makers Embroiled in Contract Pharmacy Fight

U.S Assistant Surgeon General Krista Pedley (left) and OPA Acting Director Michelle Herzog told health care providers attending the 340B Coalition winter conference they back them in the 340B contract pharmacy fight.

340B program federal administrators told health care providers attending the 340B Coalition winter conference in San Diego today that they are behind them in the battle with drug manufacturers over accessing 340B pricing in the contract pharmacy setting.

The U.S.

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Breaking News

Hospital Group Leader Says “We’re Prepared to Go” in Direction of Federal 340B Contract Pharmacy Legislation

If the path to solving the 340B contract pharmacy dispute runs through Congress, "we're prepared to go in that direction,” 340B Health President and CEO Maureen Testoni said today.

For the first time since the 340B contract pharmacy impasse started over a year and a half ago, the leader of an influential hospital group said publicly today her association is prepared to move in the direction of a federal

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Federal Judge Approves Government’s Request to Pause Kalderos’ 340B Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit

Federal District Judge Dabney Friedrich has stayed proceedings in Kalderos' 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit until a federal appeal court rules on Friedrich's Nov. 5 joint ruling in Novartis and United Therapeutics’ (UT) 340B contract pharmacy suits.

A federal district judge on Friday granted the federal government’s motion to stay proceedings in drug industry vendor Kalderos’ 340B contract pharmacy suit.

The government had asked U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich of the District of Columbia to pause Kalderos’

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Vertex Providing Refunds for 340B Overcharges on Cystic Fibrosis Drug Trikafta

Vertex Pharmaceuticals is giving 340B covered entities refunds for overcharges from Q2 2021 through Q4 2021 on its cystic fibrosis combination medicine Trikafta.

Biopharmaceutical company Vertex is providing refunds to 340B covered entities for overcharges on its cystic fibrosis (CF) combination medicine Trikafta for the period from Q2 2021 through Q4 2021, according to a public notice on the U.S. Health Resources and

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340B Report Publisher and CEO Forecasts What to Expect After November Congressional Elections

AHA and RWC-340B again took aim at the 340B ACCESS Act introduced this spring.

340B Report Publisher and Chief Executive Officer Ted Slafsky says in his latest column for Omnicell’s blog that “all signs foretell a Republican takeover of the House and a very good possibility of the GOP assuming control of the closely

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