Chicago Tribune’s 340B Article Grabs Senior U.S. Senator’s and Governor’s Attention (Updated)

Chicago Tribune’s front page article yesterday about drug manufacturers’ denials of 340B pricing on medications dispensed by contract pharmacies got the attention of U.S. Senate Democratic Whip *** Durbin (Ill.) and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D).

UPDATE Jan. 5, 2021 2:30 p.m. EST—Shortly after we published today’s issue, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) responded to our request for comment on the U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) General Counsel’s Dec. 30 advisory opinion on

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Breaking News

BREAKING: HHS’s Top Lawyer Says Pharma’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Actions Are at Odds with the Law

“Certain manufacturers’ newfound and unilateral refusal to sell [340B] drugs through contract pharmacies is at odds with the structure and intended operation of the [340B] statute,” HHS General Counsel Robert Charrow said in an advisory opinion late today. | Source:
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Providers Are Pleased, PhRMA Isn’t, With Becerra and State AGs’ 340B Letter to Azar

Editor’s note—A cascade of breaking 340B news developments over the past seven days—Amgen’s orphan drug action, HRSA’s dispute resolution final rule, the hospital lawsuit against HHS, the state attorneys general letter to HHS and the new GAO report—forced us to

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