Drug manufacturer Lilly’s announcement last week that it is slashing the price of Humalog, its most commonly prescribed insulin, may have been less about altruism and more about avoiding exposure to bigger Medicaid rebates, a prominent drug pricing expert says.
…Articles by : Tom Mirga, Editor at Large
The 340B program—and whether it needs change, protection, or both—came up often today during a U.S. Senate hearing on federal funding of community health centers.
The bulk of health centers’ federal grant funding—about $5.8 billion annually from the U.S. Health
…Associations representing community health centers and brand drug manufacturers are jointly developing 340B policy proposals for Congress to consider, hospital group 340B Health told its members yesterday.
The National Association of Community Health Centers said yesterday that it had no
…UPDATED Thursday March 2, 2023, 12:30 p.m. EDT to include comment from HRSA.
The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration has asked multiple hospitals to explain how they determine patient eligibility for 340B drugs, how they define, track, and use
…The federal government may ask all 14 judges on the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals to review a three-judge panel’s unanimous January opinion upholding AstraZeneca, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi’s restrictions on 340B pricing when their drugs are shipped to
…The 340B program “is a really successful program and it hasn’t really cut the profits of the pharmaceutical companies dramatically,” U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said Friday during a visit to a Chicago-based community health center.
Durbin is
…A federal district judge in Baltimore, Md., yesterday stayed the brand drug industry’s lawsuit challenging the December 2020 340B program administrative dispute resolution final rule.
Lawyers for Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary
…Could ending the fights over limits on 340B contract pharmacy and encroachment on providers’ 340B savings hinge on hospitals accepting 340B reporting requirements? 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky raises that provocative question in his monthly column for Verity
…More than 100 million Americans—almost one-third of the population, and many of them children—lack access to a usual source of primary care due to a shortage of providers in their community, leading to delays in care, poorer health outcomes, and
…The chair of the New York Senate health committee has introduced legislation to repeal the April 1 shift of state Medicaid managed care pharmacy benefits to Medicaid fee for service. The state’s 340B health centers and Ryan White clinics say