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News Alert: Becerra Signs off on HRSA Reorganization that Elevates 340B Program’s Status

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra has signed off on a reorganization of HRSA that elevates decision making about the 340B program closer to the top of the department.

The 340B drug pricing program has a new, higher profile home within the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and likely is getting a new director due to its current director’s promotion.

U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary

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Health Centers Plan to Resubmit 340B Dispute Resolution Petitions

The National Association of Community Health Centers says it intends to resubmit 340B ADR claims against three drug companies. An injunction against ADR proceedings involving one of the companies has kept proceedings against the other two from moving ahead, the federal government said.

The U.S. Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) early this month invited community health centers to “resubmit a new” 340B administrative dispute resolution (ADR) petition against drug companies that deny or restrict 340B drug discounts when contract pharmacies are involved,

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As Frustration Mounts Over 340B Contract Pharmacy Impasse, Arguments in Highly Anticipated AstraZeneca Lawsuit Postponed to Mid-October

Oral arguments previously scheduled for Sept. 14 in drugmaker AstraZeneca’s closely watched 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit against HHS and HRSA have been rescheduled for Oct. 18.

Oral arguments previously scheduled for Sept. 14 in drugmaker AstraZeneca’s 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit against HHS and HRSA have been rescheduled for Oct. 18. The U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware announced the new date for arguments on

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Hospital Groups Back Feds in United Therapeutics 340B Contract Pharmacy Case

United Therapeutics’ denials of and restrictions on 340B pricing involving contract pharmacies are illegal and jeopardize patient care, six hospital groups have told a federal district judge.

Drug manufacturer United Therapeutics’ (UT) denials of and restrictions on 340B drug discounts when covered entities use contract pharmacies are illegal and jeopardize patient care, six hospital groups have told a federal district judge in Washington, D.C.

The groups—American Hospital

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As Biden and House Dems Prepare to Unveil Drug Pricing Plans, 340B Providers Fret Over About Lost Savings

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra's plan to fight excessive drug prices will be published publicly in the coming weeks, a White House official said yesterday.

As President Biden and House Democrats prepare to unveil their drug pricing game plans, 340B stakeholders eagerly await word on key provisions that could either be helpful or result in significant lost revenue.  While the proposals are going to be

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BioMarin Paying Refunds for Two Years of 340B Overcharges on Pricey Drugs

Biopharmaceutical manufacturer BioMarin is giving 340B covered entities refunds for overcharges on five of its six approved medicines from Q1 2019 through Q4 2020.

Biopharmaceutical manufacturer BioMarin is giving 340B covered entities refunds for overcharges on five of its six approved medicines from Q1 2019 through Q4 2020.

The California-based company posted a notice about the availability of the refunds last week on

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N.C. Lawmakers Debate Over the Reach of 340B “Pickpocketing” Protections

North Carolina lawmakers are debating whether to grant all 340B covered entities and their contract pharmacies, or only some, protection against discrimination by pharmacy benefit managers.

North Carolina lawmakers are debating whether to grant all 340B covered entities and their contract pharmacies, or only some, protection against discrimination by pharmacy benefit managers.

Last week Thursday, state House and Senate leaders appointed members to a conference committee

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PhRMA Challenges First State Law Protecting 340B Contract Pharmacy Program

In 2023, Arkansas became the first state to move to enforce a 340B contract pharmacy law as manufacturer restrictions continued to increase.

Arkansas has temporarily suspended enforcement of the nation’s first state law to address pharmaceutical manufacturer denials of 340B pricing on drugs when they are dispensed by contract pharmacies.

State Insurance Commissioner Alan McClain ordered the 90-day suspension on July

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Recent Supreme Court Ruling Could Affect 340B Dispute Resolution Lawsuits

A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision involving medical device manufacturer Arthrex could influence lawsuits over the 340B program’s administrative dispute resolution (ADR) process.

A U.S. Supreme Court decision in late June about the appointment of federal administrative patent judges (APJs) could influence the outcome of several ongoing lawsuits over the 340B program’s administrative dispute resolution (ADR) process.

On June 21, the high court

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Breaking News

Breaking: Merck Will End 340B Contract Pharmacy Pricing for Hospitals That Don’t Share their Claims Data

Drug manufacturer Merck has begun informing 340B covered entities that, effective Sept. 1, it will stop providing 340B pricing to hospitals on its drugs shipped to contract pharmacies, if the hospitals do not provide their 340B claims data.

Drug manufacturer Merck has begun informing 340B covered entities that, effective Sept. 1, it will stop providing 340B pricing to hospitals that partner with 340B contract pharmacies unless the hospitals share 340B claims data with its vendor 340B ESP.


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