Bristol Myers Squibb/Celgene Myeloma Drugs: Patient-Safety or Profit Motive? Part 4

Our six-part investigative series takes an in-depth look into a question often asked by 340B providers: Why can’t they access 340B pricing on one of Bristol Myers Squibb/Celgene’s most profitable drug products? We also delve into serious fraud allegations, Congressional oversight, and the possibility of a renewed focus on this contentious area under new leadership at the U.S. Health and Human Services Department. Throughout the series, we also provide BMS/Celgene's viewpoint, their justification for their drug pricing practices, limited distribution policies and why they believe they are following the law.

Part 4 of 6—How Do Celgene’s Revlimid Policies Affect 340B Hospitals and Patient Care?

The impact on health care providers of being unable to access Revlimid at the 340B price is significant, financially and in terms of patient care, according

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Bristol Myers Squibb/Celgene Myeloma Drugs: Patient-Safety or Profit Motive? Part 3

Our six-part investigative series takes an in-depth look into a question often asked by 340B providers: Why can’t they access 340B pricing on one of Bristol Myers Squibb/Celgene’s most profitable drug products? We also delve into serious fraud allegations, Congressional oversight, and the possibility of a renewed focus on this contentious area under new leadership at the U.S. Health and Human Services Department. Throughout the series, we also provide BMS/Celgene's viewpoint, their justification for their drug pricing practices, limited distribution policies and why they believe they are following the law.

Part 3 of 6—The Path From Thalidomide, to Revlimid, to a 340B Whistleblower Lawsuit

The myeloma drugs Revlimid and Pomalyst are analogues of Thalomid, aka thalidomide—a drug that still haunts those who remember the late 1950s and early 1960s. Marketed

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Bristol Myers Squibb/Celgene Myeloma Drugs: Patient-Safety or Profit Motive? Part 2

Our six-part investigative series takes an in-depth look into a question often asked by 340B providers: Why can’t they access 340B pricing on one of Bristol Myers Squibb/Celgene’s most profitable drug products? We also delve into serious fraud allegations, Congressional oversight, and the possibility of a renewed focus on this contentious area under new leadership at the U.S. Health and Human Services Department. Throughout the series, we also provide BMS/Celgene's viewpoint, their justification for their drug pricing practices, limited distribution policies and why they believe they are following the law.

Part 2 of 6—A Pharmaceutical Industry Insider’s Claims of Massive Fraud Against 340B Providers

Editor’s note: We invited Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS), which bought Celgene in November 2019, to respond to allegations of illegal or

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Bristol Myers Squibb/Celgene Myeloma Drugs: Patient-Safety or Profit Motive? Part 1

Our six-part investigative series takes an in-depth look into a question often asked by 340B providers: Why can’t they access 340B pricing on one of Bristol Myers Squibb/Celgene’s most profitable drug products? We also delve into serious fraud allegations, Congressional oversight, and the possibility of a renewed focus on this contentious area under new leadership at the U.S. Health and Human Services Department. Throughout the series, we also provide BMS/Celgene's viewpoint, their justification for their drug pricing practices, limited distribution policies and why they believe they are following the law.

Part 1 of 6—Why Can So Few 340B Hospitals Buy and Dispense the Highly Profitable Cancer Drug Revlimid?

Possibly more than a thousand hospitals in the 340B drug discount program can’t buy or dispense Revlimid, a widely-used oral drug

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Novartis Says Its Reputation Has Been Injured By HRSA’s 340B Demand Letter

Novartis said HRSA's demand letter is hindering its “ability to recruit talent and build relationships with the stakeholders necessary to develop pharmaceuticals that patients need.” | Shutterstock

Drug manufacturer Novartis told a judge last week that the government’s May 17 public statement that the company’s actions have resulted in overcharges and are in direct violation of the 340B statute has injured Novartis’ reputation among its customers and

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White House Clears Path for HRSA to Rescind Trump’s Health Center 340B Insulin Rule

The Biden administration moved a step closer yesterday to rescinding a Trump administration rule governing what 340B health centers can charge patients for insulin and epinephrine auto-injectors. | Shutterstock

The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has completed its review of a key regulatory step toward rescinding the Trump administration’s final rule to require health centers to provide insulin and injectable epinephrine to low-income patients at the

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Health Centers Launch a New National Advocacy Group

Kerry Hydash (left) is Board Chair and Amanda Pears Kelly is Executive Director of the new health center group Advocates for Community Health.

Community health center leaders have created a new membership organization—Advocates for Community Health (ACH)—to influence federal health care policy and “drive a new vision for the role health centers can and should play in an evolving 21st century health care

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Lynn Barr, a Value-Based Payment and 340B Champion, is Appointed to MedPAC

New MedPAC Commissioner Lynn Barr says. “I see first-hand how important the 340B program is to safety net patients and providers."

Lynn Barr, the founder and executive chair of a company that helps health systems implement value-based payment models and maximize 340B savings, has been appointed to the Medicaid Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC).

U.S. Comptroller General Gene Dodaro announced Barr’s appointment

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Judge Declines to Issue Stays Against HRSA Stemming from its May 17 Demand Letters

A federal district judge in Trenton, N.J., this week denied drug makers’ Novo Nordisk and Sanofi’s motions to temporarily stop federal health officials from forcing the companies to immediately resume offering 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies.

A federal district judge in Trenton, N.J., this week denied drug makers’ Novo Nordisk and Sanofi’s motions to temporarily stop federal health officials from forcing the companies to immediately resume offering 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies. If

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340B DSH Hospitals More Likely To Treat Black, Disabled, and Low-Income Patients With Chronic Conditions, Study Indicates

A new hospital-funded study found that 340B disproportionate share (DSH) hospital outpatient departments are more likely than other hospital outpatient departments and independent physician offices to treat Medicare beneficiaries with chronic conditions who are Black, disabled, or who have low incomes. | Shutterstock

340B disproportionate share (DSH) hospital outpatient departments are more likely than other hospital outpatient departments and independent physician offices to treat Medicare beneficiaries with chronic conditions who are Black, disabled, or who have low incomes, a new 340B hospital-funded study

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