The federal government has asked federal district judges in Indianapolis, Delaware, and New Jersey to deny hospital groups’ requests for active roles in drug manufacturers Eli Lilly’s, AstraZeneca’s, and Sanofi’s lawsuits against the government over its 340B contract pharmacy requirements.
…Articles by : Tom Mirga, Editor at Large
The second of four opportunities this year for covered entities to register themselves, their sites, and their contract pharmacies in the 340B program starts this Thursday, April 1 and ends on Thursday, April 15. New registrants can begin buying discounted
…The manufacturer of Nulibry, a recently approved, first-of-its-kind injectable treatment for a very rare, often fatal genetic disorder that typically appears soon after birth, has posted details about the limited distribution network for the drug on the U.S.
…The federal government on Tuesday declared 340B administrative dispute resolution (ADR) petitions by covered entities against drug manufacturers AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, and Sanofi to be “complete,” a sign that claims against two of the three companies—AstraZeneca and Sanofi—are ready for
…Drug manufacturer Merck sent letters to 340B covered entities by email on Tuesday to provide background and answer questions about its request that entities voluntarily upload their contract pharmacy claims to a vendor’s software platform so they can be checked
…The federal government on Monday strongly objected to letting six hospital groups participate as third parties in drug manufacturer Novo Nordisk’s lawsuit challenging the government’s 340B contract pharmacy requirements.
The government’s March 22 brief in opposition the groups’ motion to
…The federal judge considering drug manufacturer Sanofi’s motion for protection from 340B dispute resolution proceedings asked the company and the federal government last Wednesday to brief her on a different federal judge’s order the day before granting drug company Eli
…Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access (RWC-340B) and the federal government have a deadline today to report to a federal judge about whether to continue the stay in the group’s suit to force the government to act against drug manufacturers
…A few years ago, there was hope that congressional Democrats and Republicans and the Trump administration would unite and enact legislation addressing the high price of prescription drugs.
It never happened. House Democrats passed a far-ranging drug pricing bill in
…The U.S. Health and Human Services Department (HHS) announced late this morning that it will delay, from this coming Monday, March 22 until July 20, the effective date of a Trump administration rule to require health centers to provide insulin