Sen. Cassidy Claims 340B Hospitals Drive Medical Debt During Key Senate Committee Hearing

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R) said many major nonprofit hospitals are "not passing on savings from 340B" in a Senate committee hearing on medical debt.
Certain hospitals’ failure to pass 340B savings on to patients is a leading cause of medical debt, two Republican lawmakers [...]

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CMS Proposes Rule to Exclude 340B Claims from Inflation Rebates; Reflects ‘Stronger Understanding’ of 340B than IRA Negotiation Guidance, Says Attorney

CMS recently proposed a rule to fulfill its statutory obligation to exclude 340B claims from Medicare inflationary rebates.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has outlined how it plans to identify 340B claims to remove when [...]

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Sumitomo Loosens 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions in Five More States

Sumitomo Pharma America loosened or ended its 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in an additional five states.
Drugmaker Sumitomo Pharma America (SMPA) is partially or fully exempting providers in five additional states from its 340B contract pharmacy [...]

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Breaking News

Missouri Become Eighth State to Enact 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Law After Governor Declines to Act on Bill

Missouri will become the eighth state to enact a 340B contract pharmacy access law when S.B.751 officially takes effect Aug. 28.
Missouri will become the eighth state to prohibit drug manufacturer 340B contract pharmacy restrictions after Gov. Mike Parson (R) announced [...]

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Upcoming Federal Elections Will Significantly Impact 340B Legislative Agenda, Say 340B Hospital Lobbyist, Drug Industry Analyst

Tom O’Donnell, senior vice president of government relations at 340B Health, and Michael McCaughan, co-founder of Provision Policy, gave a July 10 address at the 340B Coalition summer conference.
The upcoming U.S. presidential and congressional elections will significantly alter the direction of 340B and broader healthcare policy, a 340B [...]

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Advocates March on Capitol Hill to ‘Defend 340B’ Amid D.C. Heat Wave

More than 60 advocates marched on Capitol Hill amid a heat wave in Washington, D.C. for the third annual "Defend 340B March" on July 10.
More than sixty 340B advocates braved an excessive heat warning in the nation’s capital yesterday afternoon for the third annual [...]

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Pharma-Linked Conservative Nonprofit Launches Ad Campaign to ‘Stop the Feeding Frenzy’ in 340B

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste has launched a new ad campaign that criticizes the 340B program.
An anti-government waste group with ties to the drug industry is urging lawmakers to “stop the feeding frenzy” in the [...]

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New Hampshire Enacts Law to Bar PBMs, Payers from ‘Discriminating Against’ 340B Providers

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) signed a law prohibiting certain 340B-specific policies by PBMs and payers.
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) yesterday signed a law prohibiting payers and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) from “discriminating against [...]

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West Virginia AG, Hospital Groups Fight Novartis’ Lawsuit to Block State 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Law

The West Virginia attorney general and multiple hospital groups pushed back against Novartis' suit against a state 340B contract pharmacy access law.
The West Virginia attorney general and multiple hospital groups recently urged a federal district judge to deny Novartis’ motion to [...]

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News Alert

340B Coalition Conference Keynote: Program Faces ‘Progress Amid Challenges’

Maureen Testoni, president and CEO of 340B Health, gave a keynote "state of 340B" address July 8 at the 340B Coalition summer conference.
The 340B program faces unprecedented challenges despite a series of states enacting 340B contract pharmacy access laws, the leader of [...]

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