More Drugmakers Exempt New States from 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions

Sanofi was one of three drug manufacturers to recently update its contract pharmacy restrictions in response to new state laws.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Viatris are fully or partially exempting additional states from their 340B contract pharmacy restrictions. [...]

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Third Drugmaker Sues Kansas Over Its 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Law

Novartis became the third pharmaceutical manufacturer to sue Kansas over its 340B contract pharmacy access law.
Novartis is now the third drug manufacturer to challenge Kansas’ new law prohibiting drug manufacturers from restricting contract pharmacy access [...]

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Breaking News

Highly Anticipated Bipartisan Senate 340B Overhaul Delayed Ahead of August Recess

The SUSTAIN 340B Act, a bipartisan Senate 340B program overhaul, has been delayed after its planned introduction on Aug. 1.
A long-awaited bipartisan senate bill to overhaul the 340B program will not be introduced prior to the August Congressional recess [...]

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U.S. Government, 340B Provider Groups Urge Appeals Court to Reverse Dismissal of Health System’s 340B Whistleblower Lawsuit

Adventist Health System/West's 340B whistleblower lawsuit received four amicus briefs in support of its appeal to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
The U.S. government is urging a federal appeals court to dismiss a lower court’s “erroneous” decision to dismiss a California [...]

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State Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit Weekly Roundup: Maryland, Louisiana AGs Step Up Defense

Lawsuits challenging 340B contract pharmacy access laws recently heated up in Missouri, Mississippi and Maryland.
Editor’s Note: With 340B-related litigation heating up in several states following the enactment of new contract pharmacy access laws this [...]

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PhRMA Petitions Supreme Court to Overturn Arkansas’ 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Law

PhRMA petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to take a case on the constitutionality of Arkansas' 340B contract pharmacy access law.
A powerful drug industry trade group has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a federal appeals court’s decision to [...]

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Federal Bill Introduced to Extend 340B Eligibility to Qualifying Hospitals in U.S. Territories

Del. Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan (D), the at-large delegate for the Northern Mariana Islands, introduced a 340B eligibility bill for the U.S. territories.
New legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives would extend 340B program eligibility to qualifying hospitals in all five [...]

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Bipartisan Federal Children’s Healthcare Bill with 340B Reporting Requirements Nears House Vote

A Medicaid pediatric provider enrollment bill with 340B provisions was recently placed on the U.S. House calendar for a vote.
Federal lawmakers may soon vote on a bipartisan bill to streamline Medicaid enrollment for pediatric providers that would also require [...]

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PhRMA-Backed Conservative Think Tank Tells State Lawmakers Not to Pass 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Bills During Annual Meeting

Leah Vukmir, a former Republican Wisconsin state lawmaker, told legislators at ALEC's annual meeting not to support 340B contract pharmacy access legislation.
An industry-funded conservative policy group known for delivering model bills to Republican lawmakers recently urged an audience of state legislators [...]

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News Alert

Two Hospitals Sue HRSA to Block ‘Unlawfully Authorized’ Drugmaker 340B Program Audits

Oregon Health & Science University Hospital is one of two 340B hospitals to sue HRSA over approving a drugmaker audit. (Photo by M.O. Stevens)
Two 340B hospitals urged a federal district court to block drugmaker Johnson & Johnson (J&J) from conducting “unlawfully authorized” audits [...]

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