Senate Panel Seems to Be on Track To Vote Tomorrow on Bill With Language that 340B Providers Oppose

Ron Wyden and Mike Crapo
Sens. Ron Wyden (left) and Mike Crapo's final revised PBM reform bill appears to retain language that 340B provider groups oppose.
The U.S. Senate Finance Committee apparently remains on track to vote Wednesday on a pharmacy benefit manager reform bill with [...]

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RWC-340B Backs Senate Bill That Would Let Ryan White Clinics Cover HIV Prevention Drugs and Services

PrEP tablet
New U.S. Senate legislation would let Ryan White clinics voluntarily use federal grants for HIV prevention medications and associated services.
Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access (RWC-340B) last week praised a new bill in the U.S. Senate that would let [...]

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340B May Cause Providers to Buy More Expensive HIV Prevention Drugs, Conservative Policy Group Says

American Action Forum
The American Action Forum says in a new paper that 340B incentivizes providers to favor more expensive HIV medications, "raising costs for the rest of the health care system."
The 340B drug pricing program may incentivize hospitals and other covered entities to buy expensive preventative HIV medications over low-cost [...]

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Johnson & Johnson, Astellas Each Sue to Stop Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

Johnson & Johnson and Astellas
Johnson & Johnson and Astellas are the latest drugmakers to sue in federal court to stop Medicare drug price negotiation.
Drug manufacturers Johnson & Johnson and Astellas Pharma have each asked federal district courts to strike down parts of the [...]

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Senate Panel Could Mark Up PBM Bill Next Week With Spread Pricing Language That 340B Providers Oppose

Senate Finance Committee
A group of Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee have called on CMS to withdraw its plan to rewrite the definition of Medicaid best price.
The U.S. Senate Finance Committee could mark up a pharmacy benefit manager reform bill next week with Medicaid managed care [...]

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U.S. Chamber of Commerce Asks Court to Pause Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce asked a federal district court last week for a preliminary injunction against Medicare drug price negotiation.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce asked a federal district court in Ohio last week to stop Medicare from implementing the [...]

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Providers March to Capitol Hill for Second Straight Year to ‘Defend 340B’

Around 50 340B provider advocates marched to the U.S. Capitol yesterday to urge Congress to defend the drug pricing program. Nonprofit group CV340B organized the demonstration.
On a sunny, humid, 92-degree afternoon in Washington, D.C., over 50 safety-net health care providers marched to the U.S. Capitol [...]

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Adverse Appellate Rulings in Contract Pharmacy Cases Could Be “Truly Catastrophic,” 340B Health’s Testoni Says

Maureen Testoni
It could be “truly catastrophic” if two federal appeals courts rule as a third already has that drug makers do not have to deliver 340B drugs to multiple contract pharmacies, 340B Health President and CEO Maureen Testoni said at the 340B Coalition summer conference.
It could be “truly catastrophic” if two federal appeals courts rule as a third did in January that drug manufacturers [...]

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340B Prime Vendor Apexus and AIDS Healthcare Foundation Are Trying to Settle Lawsuit Over Sub-Ceiling Price Discounts

AIDS Healthcare Foundation and Apexus
AHF has asked a federal appeals court to reverse an earlier court's decision to dismiss a case against Apexus over its provision of 340B sub-ceiling price discounts on drugs.
Apexus, the federally contracted 340B prime vendor, and AIDS Healthcare Foundation are meeting with a mediator to try to settle [...]

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NRHA Launches New 340B Policy and Advocacy Campaign

Rural hospital
The National Rural Health Association has intensified its 340B advocacy work with a new congressional campaign and set of policy principles.
The National Rural Health Association has intensified its 340B advocacy work with a new congressional campaign and set of policy [...]

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