Q: Where did you grow up?
I grew up in the Quad Cities, located on the Illinois/Iowa border. It was always interesting to meet people.
Q: Where did you go to college/graduate school?
I graduated from Illinois State Univerity College of Business with a BS in accounting.
Q: What are your favorites?
Food: Such a hard decision…but I’d have to go with Mexican and Chinese…you can hardly go wrong!
Movie: Erin Brockovitch – An amazing true story and Julia Roberts was amazing in it. Followed very closely by the Harry Potter series.
Musicians: Taylor Swift and Adele – Both have such raw talent. I was able to attend Adele’s residency in Las Vegas last year, truly amazing. I’m thrilled to experience Taylor’s Eras Tour later this year.
Destination: Anywhere with a beach and drinks. Our family really enjoys cruising in the Caribbean.
Q: What do you like to do outside of work?
Hanging out with my family, my two girls keep us on our toes! We love to travel too. Our house is always busy with friends and family visiting, lots of great memories made.
Q: What kind of work does your company do in 340B and what makes it stand out?
At The Alinea Group, we take pride in the strong relationships and trust we establish with our clients. We immerse ourselves in our clients’ programs to gain a comprehensive understanding of their needs. Our team is composed of individuals who are deeply passionate about addressing our clients’ requirements. What sets us apart is the extensive knowledge our group has accumulated over the years. We leverage insights and lessons learned from one client to benefit others. It’s incredibly rewarding to help 340B programs improve and excel.
Q: Why did you choose to work in the 340B space?
I entered the 340B space by chance but stayed for the mission. After college, I applied for an accounting position at a Hemophilia Treatment Center. During the interview, I was asked if I was familiar with the 340B program. As an accountant, I knew that retirement accounts for non-profits fell under IRS code 403(b). Not wanting to correct the director, I confidently stated that I was very familiar with the program. Needless to say, I got the job and quickly realized that there was indeed a 340B program. Thrust into the world of 340B, 11 years later, I remain humbled to be part of this community, dedicated to expanding healthcare services for underserved populations.
Q: What do you feel is your most significant contribution to the 340B world or to a 340B customer/client?
We have significantly contributed to the 340B world by helping clients fine-tune and understand the data feeds they send to their TPA partners. This has not only increased compliance but also optimized program performance by enhancing data integrity, reducing errors, and providing actionable insights. Our tailored solutions and continuous support have empowered clients to maximize their 340B savings and ensure long-term success.
Q: What advice do you have for a young professional who has recently launched a career in the 340B space?
My advice to a young professional starting a career in the 340B space is to dive deep into the details. Immerse yourself in learning everything you can about your software solutions, understanding what data you are sending, how it’s being utilized, and exploring other available options. Avoid the mindset of “that’s how we’ve always done it.” The volume of data available to covered entities has exponentially increased over the past 5-7 years. Become familiar with this data and leverage it to your advantage to drive better outcomes and efficiencies.
For questions, Curtis can be reached at Curtis.Frazier@alinea-group.com