Nick Rebmann, CEO, Hudson Headwaters 340B

Nick Rebmann

Q: Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Collins, NY which is about 30 minutes south of Buffalo, NY.

Q: Where did you go to college/graduate school?

After graduating high school, I attended Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. This is a unique program that allows you to complete your Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D) in 6 years. After several years of working in community pharmacy as a Regional Leader, I completed my MBA from Clarkson University.


Q: What are your favorites?

Food: Sushi

Movie: Bourne Identity series

Musician: Beatles

Destination: Maine

Q: What do you like to do outside of work?

My wife and I spend a lot of time with our three active kids. We love to be outside, walking, riding bikes, playing sports, and going to the ocean. In the summertime, I enjoy playing golf and tennis and swimming. In the wintertime we enjoy skiing, sledding, and ice-skating! We also love watching the Buffalo Bills!

Q: What kind of work does your company do in 340B and what makes it stand out?

Hudson Headwaters 340B serves as a Third-Party Administrator (TPA) that specializes in supporting FQHCs and Hospitals. Additional services include capturing referral prescriptions, mock HRSA audits, and consulting engagements. As one of the first TPA’s to manage contract pharmacies, we understand how to support our clients and deliver unparalleled service and results. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Hudson Headwaters Health Network, our 340B program management has been trusted by our parent company and our clients across the country for the past 20 years!

Q: Why did you choose to work in the 340B space?

The healthcare safety net is the backbone to healthcare across the country. As the former COO of Hudson Headwaters Health Network (FQHC), I understand how important the 340B program is to expanding access to healthcare in areas that are underserved. This industry has gone through many changes over the years and the one item that remains constant is our commitment to protecting and preserving the program in a way that benefits patients in these underserved areas.  

Q: What do you feel is your most significant contribution to the 340B world or to a 340B customer/client?

Our most significant contribution to the 340B world is our ability to understand the equilibrium needed among multiple partners to support the 340B program and healthcare in general. We stand committed in our position to ensure that the 340B program is used to benefit communities where healthcare access is scarce and underserved. We work with and rely on many parties including pharmacies, wholesalers, and manufacturers to ensure that these savings can be used for the benefit of patient care.

Q: What advice do you have for a young professional who has recently launched a career in the 340B space?

I would suggest that new professionals in the 340B world take time to understand the history and the design of the program. History can serve as a steady guide to help navigate the newer complexities of the industry today. In addition, it is important for new professionals to be adaptable to the ever-changing healthcare landscape. It’s also important to recognize the need and ability to create change both federally and at a state level through strong advocacy work.


For questions, Nick Rebmann can be reached at Nrebmann@hudson340b.com.

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